“Objectives: To explore the effect of the educational leve

“Objectives: To explore the effect of the educational level of the head of household on the prevalence of malnutrition in Saudi children.\n\nMethods: The study was conducted over 2 years in 2004 and 2005 in all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The design consisted of a stratified multistage probability random sampling of the population of the KSA. The educational level of the heads of the household, and measurements of weight and height of the children were obtained during house visits. Nutritional indicators in the form of weight for age, height for age, and weight for height for children below 5 years of age were determined, and the prevalence of each indicator below

-2 standard deviations (SD) was calculated for each level of education.\n\nResults: The sample size 4EGI-1 was 7390 in the weight for age, 7275 height for age, and 7335 for

weight for height. The prevalence of underweight (weight for age below -2 SD) increased from 7.4% for the university level to 15.2% in the children of illiterate heads of household. Similar patterns were found for the prevalence of stunting (height for age below -2 SD) and wasting (weight for height below -2 SD).\n\nConclusion: This study this website demonstrates that the higher the education level of the heads of the household, the lower the prevalence of malnutrition in their children, suggesting that completing at least 9-12 years of education (intermediate and secondary school) is needed for better improvement in the nutritional status of the children.”
“Objectives: We explored the relationship between the experience level of nurses and the peritonitis risk in peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients.\n\nMethods: Our observational cohort study followed 305 incident PD patients until a

first episode of peritonitis, death, or censoring. Patients were divided into 3 groups according to the work experience in general medicine of their nurses-that is, least experience (<10 years), moderate experience (10 to <15 years), and advanced experience (>= 15 years). Demographic characteristics, baseline biochemistry, and residual renal function were also recorded. Multivariate Cox 123 regression was used to analyze the association of risks for all-cause and gram-positive peritonitis with patient training provided Bioactive Compound Library cell line by nurses at different experience levels.\n\nResults: Of the 305 patients, 91 were trained at the initiation of PD by nurses with advanced experience, 100 by nurses with moderate experience, and 114 by nurses with the least experience. Demographic and clinical variables did not vary significantly between the groups. During 13 582 patient-months of follow-up, 129 first episodes of peritonitis were observed, with 48 episodes being attributed to gram-positive organisms. Kaplan-Meier analysis showed that training by nurses with advanced experience predicted the longest period free of first-episode gram-positive peritonitis.

(C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd All rights reserved “
“The pa

(C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The paper studies several related problems of the Extended Alternating Projection Neural Network (EAPNN). Firstly the mathematical relation between the 123 interconnection matrix and the library pattern matrix, and the stability of the EAPNN with infinite precision data have been studied, strictly mathematical

proofs for them have been given. After analyzing the finite precision influence on the training method of the EAPNN, the paper proposes an improved training method for the EAPNN with finite precision data and gives a practical threshold-value determination method. Then the mathematical relation among the factors influencing the association times has been studied and the mathematical LCL161 expression of the association times for reaching the expected association precision, while network being used for CAM, has been deduced. Finally simulation experiments have been designed and simulation Buparlisib results

demonstrate the validity of theoretical analyses. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Purpose: Because the maxilla and its alveolar process are prone to resorption after tooth loss, it is often necessary to perform a bone augmentation procedure to successfully carry out implant treatment in that region. The aim of this study was to determine the adhesive force between the sinus membrane and the osseous sinus floor that occurs during sinus floor elevation with a balloon lift system. Materials P5091 concentration and Methods: Twenty-two ex vivo pig heads were used for this study. Access to the maxillary sinus was gained via the lateral sinus wall. Sinus elevation was performed using an inflatable balloon, which was consecutively

filled with 3 mL of a radiopaque fluid. Pressure was monitored directly and continuously during the elevation procedure with an electronic pressure gauge. The integrity of the membrane was checked microscopically and macroscopically. Results: The average adhesion force of the sinus membrane was found to be 748 +/- 65.56 mmHg. On microscopic and macroscopic inspection, no mucosal tearing occurred during sinus floor elevation. Underwood septa, when present, did not significantly influence the adhesion forces. Conclusions: The balloon system allowed for reproducible real-time measurement of the elevation forces and soft tissue resilience of the sinus membrane during the elevation process in this animal model. No mucosal ruptures were caused with this technical setup, in which effective elevation pressure ranging from 660 to 880 mmHg was not exceeded. A possible transfer of this technical setup to clinical procedures in humans requires investigation.”
“The Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK/STAT) signaling pathway is widely involved in cell migration, apoptosis and inflammation. However, its exact mechanisms in severe acute pancreatitis (SAP) remain unclear.

“Correlated reaction sets (Co-Sets) are mathematically def

“Correlated reaction sets (Co-Sets) are mathematically defined modules in biochemical reaction networks which facilitate the study of biological processes by decomposing complex reaction networks into conceptually simple units. According to the degree of association, Co-Sets can be classified into three types: perfect, partial and directional. Five approaches have been developed to calculate Co-Sets, including network-based

pathway analysis, Monte Carlo sampling, linear optimization, learn more enzyme subsets and hard-coupled reaction sets. However, differences in design and implementation of these methods lead to discrepancies in the resulted Co-Sets as well as in their use in biotechnology which need careful interpretation. In this paper, we provide a comparative study of the methods for Co-Sets computing in detail from four aspects: (i) sensitivity, (ii) completeness and soundness, (iii) flexibility and (iv) scalability. By applying them to Escherichia coli core metabolic network, buy GSK461364 the differences and relationships among these methods are clearly articulated which may be useful for potential users.”

of post-deployment conditions such as post-concussive syndrome (PCS) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) frequently relies upon brief, self-report checklists which are face valid and highly susceptible to potential symptom validity issues such as symptom exaggeration. We investigated the psychometric prope1rties of a 5-item 4 measure of symptom exaggeration (mild brain injury atypical symptoms [mBIAS] scale) embedded in commonly used PCS and PTSD screening instruments in a sample of 403 patients seen 17-AAG molecular weight in a brain injury clinic at a large military medical center. Exploratory factor analysis,

examining measures of posttraumatic stress, post-concussive symptoms, and symptom over-reporting revealed a 6-factor model with the mBIAS scale items representing a unique factor. Analysis of psychometric properties demonstrated that a score of 8 on the mBIAS was optimal for the detection of symptom over-reporting (sensitivity = 0.94, specificity = 0.92) and appears to be the most favorable cut score for interpretive use. The findings provide a strong initial support for the use of the mBIAS in post-deployment populations.”
“The Scottish Public Health Observatory (ScotPHO) is a collaboration of the observatory sections/functions of several organizations. It operates within a small country, part of the UK, with devolved legislative and executive powers in health and in many areas relating to wider social determinants of health. The short-term impact of ScotPHO on health improvement action, policy and monitoring is described. A key factor in ScotPHO’s impact is the directness of its contact with Scottish government policy and analysis leadership.


Activity LY3039478 ic50 in human primary visual cortex (V1) reflects the perceived rather than the physical

size of objects, indicating an involvement of V1 in illusory size perception. Here we investigate the role of eye-specific signals in two common size illusions in order to provide further information about the mechanisms underlying illusory size perception.\n\nResults: We devised stimuli so that an object and its spatial context associated with illusory size perception could be presented together to one eye or separately to two eyes. We found that the Ponzo illusion had an equivalent magnitude whether the objects and contexts were presented to the same or different eyes, indicating that it may be largely 432 mediated by binocular neurons. In contrast, the Ebbinghaus illusion became much weaker when objects and their contexts were presented to different eyes, indicating important contributions to the illusion from monocular neurons early Selleck MLN4924 in the visual pathway.\n\nConclusions: Our findings show that two well-known size illusions

– the Ponzo illusion and the Ebbinghaus illusion – are mediated by different neuronal populations, and suggest that the underlying neural mechanisms associated with illusory size perception differ and can be dependent on monocular channels in the early visual pathway.”
“A series of novel 5-(3-aryl-1H-pyrazol-5-yl)-2-(3-butyl-1-chloroimidazo[1,5-a]- pyridin-7-yl)-1,3,4-oxadiazole derivatives has been synthesized from 3-butyl-1-chloroimidazo[1,5-a]pyridine-7-carboxylic acid and ethyl 3-aryl-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxylate. The compounds were characterized using IR, H-1 NMR, HRMS and UV vis absorption. The fluorescence spectral characteristics

of the compounds in dichloromethane were investigated. The results showed that absorption lambda(max) and emission lambda(max) was less correlated with substituent groups on N-1 position STI571 ic50 of pyrazole moiety and para position of benzene moiety. The calculated molecular orbital correlates well with their absorption. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Endovenous laser therapy (EVLT) for greater saphenous vein (GSV) insufficiency is a relatively new method of treatment only recently made available in Iran. This is the first long-term randomized trial comparing EVLT with high ligation of saphenous vein (HLS) in the Iranian population. Sixty-five patients met the inclusion criteria and were divided into homogenous treatment groups of EVLT (n = 30) or HLS (n = 35). Clinical severity, etiology, anatomy, pathophysiology (CEAP) classification and Aberdeen Varicose Vein Symptom Severity Scores (AVSS) were used to determine disease severity and symptoms before and after the procedure in both groups. Outcome was measured by the rate of recurrence as shown in Doppler ultrasonography evaluation. Follow-up was conducted 1 week and 3, 6, 12, and 18 months after the intervention. The occlusion rate of GSV was similar in both groups (93.6 % for EVLT, 88.

faecium VRE200 for bacteriocin 32 3 En

faecium VRE200 for bacteriocin 32. Enterocin IT, a 6,390-Da peptide made up of 54 amino acids, has been previously shown to be identical to the 3 C-terminal part of bacteriocin 32, a 7,998-Da bacteriocin produced by E. faecium VRE200 whose structure was deduced from its structural gene (T. Inoue, H. Tomita, and Y. Ike, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., 50: 1202-1212, 2006). By combining the biochemical and genetic data on enterocin IT, it

was concluded that bacteriocin 32 is in fact identical to enterocin IT, both being encoded by the same plasmid-borne gene, and that the N-terminal leader peptide for this bacteriocin Selleckchem Sapitinib is 35 amino acids long and not 19 amino acids long as previously reported.”
“Purpose: To evaluate the embolic properties of an alginate-based embolic biomaterial AG-881 Metabolism inhibitor (EmboGel) and its solvent (EmboClear) in treatment of aneurysms.\n\nMaterials and Methods: EmboGel is a mixture of iohexol and alginate that polymerizes into a hydrocoil when delivered through a coaxial catheter with a distal mixing tip, exposing alginate to a calcium chloride solution. In contrast to previously reported embolic agents, EmboGel can be selectively dissolved by EmboClear, a mixture of the enzyme alginate lyase and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). The embolic and contrast properties of EmboGel were assessed in in vitro models of saccular aneurysm and an aortic aneurysm

endoleak. The dissolvability of EmboGel with EmboClear was assessed further LY3023414 price after endovascular delivery in the New Zealand white rabbit in the native aortoiliofemoral territory, a created saccular aneurysm, and the native carotid arteries.\n\nResults: EmboGel effectively filled aneurysm cavities in the case of stent excluded saccular and fusiform aneurysms. EmboGel was readily dissolved by EmboClear in vitro and after in vivo embolization. When the distal abdominal aorta and pelvic arteries were occluded with EmboGel, within I minute of EmboClear infusion, patency of the aorta and most of the pelvic circulation was

regained as noted by angiography. Embolization in the subclavian artery and numerous distal branches was rapidly dissolved by EmboClear. Finally, the carotid artery occluded with EmboGel regained patency after administration of EmboClear.\n\nConclusions: EmboGel is a dissolvable alginate-based biomaterial that can be used for numerous embolic applications. EmboGel can be selectively dissolved with EmboClear, a solution of alginate lyase and EDTA.”
“Aim: The aim of the present study was to report the global experience with placement, complication rate, and recording of esophageal pH using the BRAVO capsule at our institution.\n\nPatients and Methods: We recorded the rate of any technical problems and complications during placement in all of the patients (ages 4-22 years) who received this device during a 2-year period.

These findings are new and innovative

as they enlarge the

These findings are new and innovative

as they enlarge the knowledge about basic physiologic and neuroplastic processes in tinnitus.”
“An increased use of bio fuels would contribute to sustainable development by reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and the use of non-renewable resources. Lignocellulosic biomass, including agricultural STAT inhibitor and forestry residues instead of traditional feedstock (starch crops), could prove to be an ideally inexpensive and abundantly available source of sugar for fermentation into transportation fuels. Cellulose, 3 accessible surface area, protection by lignin, and sheathing by hemicelluloses all contribute to the resistance of cellulose in biomass to hydrolysis for the conversion to fuels. Our research had as objective the reduction of lignin by supercritical fluid extraction process by choosing optimal parameters of extractant, extraction time, pressure and temperature adapted on plant material used. Tests of lignin extraction with supercritical CO2 in laboratory facilities

were performed on cobs and corn stalks. Parameters were followed biomass size ( smaller than 2.35 mm, 2.35 to 3.5 mm), the influence of the type of solvent (methanol and butanol) and co solvent concentration (50-100%). The best results were obtained in extraction with methanol / water 50% v / v. Research is part Fludarabine research buy of the ERA IB 6001, international project.”
“The present study was designed to determine ANG peptide content [ANG I, ANG II, ANG( 1-7)], ACE2 mRNA, and the immunocytochemical

distribution of ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 in the uteroembryonic unit during early and late gestation in Sprague-Dawley rats and in a rat model of pregnancy-induced hypertension, the reduced uterine perfusion pressure (RUPP) model. At early pregnancy ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 staining were localized in the primary and secondary decidual zone and luminal and glandular epithelial cells. During late gestation, ANG-(1-7) and ACE2 staining was visualized in the labyrinth placenta and amniotic and yolk sac epithelium. Uterine ANG PLX4032 purchase II concentration at early pregnancy was significantly decreased by 21-55% in the implantation and interimplantation sites compared with virgin rats, whereas ANG-(1-7) levels were maintained at prepregnancy levels. At late gestation, uterine concentrations of ANG I and ANG II were significantly increased (30% and 25%, respectively). In RUPP animals, ANG-(1-7) concentration is significantly reduced in the uterus (181 +/- 16 vs. 372 +/- 74 fmol/g of tissue) and placenta (143 +/- 26 vs. 197 +/- 20 fmol/g of tissue). ACE2 mRNA increased in the uterus of early pregnant compared with virgin rats, yet within the implantation site it was downregulated. At late pregnancy, ACE2 mRNA is elevated by 58% in the uterus and decreased by 59% in RUPP animals.

However, aqueous humor values of VEGF in diabetic dogs are not gr

However, aqueous humor values of VEGF in diabetic dogs are not greater than nondiabetics and may serve to protect the dog against development of diabetic retinopathy.”
“Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of malignant cutaneous 4EGI-1 purchase neoplasm in humans, and it can be prevented and diagnosed early. The purpose of this study is to present clinical and microscopic findings of basal cell carcinoma in a population younger than 50 years of age. Microscopic examinations of multiple sections of skin lesion have been done, as well as a review of relevant literature.”
“We aimed to determine whether

the distal end of the humerus had the capacity of spontaneous realignment of the remaining deformity following an inadequate reposition

of the supracondylar fracture. The results in 56 children with a supracondylar humerus fracture were analysed. In 45 patients SCH727965 (80%), manual repositioning was performed along with transcutaneous fixation, whereas in 11 patients (20%), only manual repositioning and immobilization in plaster cast was applied. Immobilization was removed and physical therapy was started in all patients on the 21st day following the intervention. Anteroposterior and left-lateral radiography was performed and Baumann’s angle was determined. Follow-up radiograph of the elbow of the traumatized and healthy extremity was performed at an interval of 5-15 years (median 9.4). There was no statistically significant difference between the relationship of Baumann’s angle of the injured arm measured on the 21st day after the reduction of fragments on the one hand and the carrying angle

of the injured and healthy arm measured at the long-term follow-up on the other (t=0.48, P=0.63). 4 Similarly, there was no statistically significant difference between the relationship of Baumann’s angle of the injured arm measured at the long-term follow-up and the findings Navitoclax supplier of the carrying angle of both the injured and the healthy arm obtained on the same examination (t=0.78, P=0.44). On the basis of our experience, we conclude that there is no biological capacity to rectify a possible remaining postreduction varus deformity by spontaneous remodelling.”
“Aims: The elastic behaviour (acute recoil) of a valve prosthesis stent following transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) is unknown. This study sought to determine the occurrence, severity, predictive factors and haemodynamic consequences of acute recoil following TAVI. Methods and results: A prospective angiographic analysis of the stent frame dimensions in 111 consecutive patients who underwent TAVI with a balloon-expandable valve (36 Edwards SAPIEN; 75 SAPIEN XT) was performed. Acute recoil was defined as the difference between minimal lumen diameter (MLD) at full balloon expansion and immediately after balloon deflation. MLD during balloon inflation was significantly larger than MLD after balloon deflation (23.40 +/- 2.

These continuing

disparities suggest possible perception

These continuing

disparities suggest possible perception bias. More research is needed to confirm this disparity and explore the underpinnings.”
“BACKGROUND: Unplanned extubation represents a threat to patient safety, and risk factors and prevention strategies for unplanned extubation have not been fully explored. OBJECTIVES: To define high-risk patients for unplanned extubation and determine clinicians’ beliefs on perceived risks for unplanned extubation METHODS: With a Web-based survey instrument we surveyed critical care clinician members of the American Association for Respiratory Care, the American Association of Critical GSK3235025 cost Care Nurses, and the Society of Critical Care Medicine. RESULTS: Surveys were completed by 1,976 clinicians, including 419 respiratory therapists, 870 critical care nurses,

and 605 critical care physicians. The majority of respondents considered an outward migration of the endotracheal tube (by 3 cm, 2 cm if an air leak is present) to represent a risk for unplanned extubation. Respondents considered the following as high risk for unplanned extubation: absence of physical restraints (72% of respondents), a nurse/patient ratio of 1/3 (60%), trips out of the intensive care unit (59%), light sedation (43%), and bedside portable radiograph (29%). In addition, most respondents considered accidental removal of the nasogastric tube (71%) or tugging FK866 on the endotracheal tube (87%) by the patient to be risk factors for unplanned extubation. The Acalabrutinib price rank order of the perceived risks was related to the respondents’ primary discipline. CONCLUSIONS: We identified perceived risk factors and defined “near misses” for unplanned extubation. Our findings should inform strategies for prevention of unplanned extubation.”

new mesoporous silicotitaniumphosphate material has been synthesized by using a non-conventional phosphorous source trimethyl phosphite with the aid of Pluronic F127 as structure directing agent (SDA). The mesopores are generated due to the slow hydrolysis of the reactant materials in the presence of supramolecular-assembly of non-ionic surfactant under the evaporation induced self-assembly (EISA) process. The material has been characterized by powder XRD, N-2 sorption, TEM, SEM-EDS, TG-DTA, FT-IR, XPS, Si-29, P-31 MAS NMR and UV-vis spectroscopic techniques. This new mesoporous material has considerably high BET surface area (379 m(2) g(-1)) and narrow pore size distribution with a peak pore width of 5.4 nm. The material showed good catalytic activity in the liquid phase Friedel-Crafts benzylation reaction suggesting strong acidity on its surface. It can also be used as good adsorbent for the removal of toxic metal ions As(III/V), Cd(II) and Hg(II) from the contaminated water. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

10 mm (interquartile range [IQR], 1 29-2 37) and 4 1

10 mm (interquartile range [IQR], 1.29-2.37) and 4.13 (IQR, 3.11-7.39) (p < 0.001).\n\nInattentional blindness was evident in both groups. Although more accurate, the AR group was less likely to identify significant unexpected findings clearly within view. Advanced navigational displays may increase precision, but strategies to mitigate attentional costs need further investigation to allow safe implementation.”
“Objective: To determine whether the routine use of preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) in “good prognosis” women improves in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle outcome.\n\nDesign:

Randomized, controlled, prospective clinical study.\n\nSetting: Private infertility clinic.\n\nPatient(s): Infertile women predicted to have a good prognosis as defined by: age < 39 find more years, normal ovarian reserve, body mass index < 30 kg/m(2), presence of ejaculated sperm, normal uterus, <= 2 previous failed IVF cycles.\n\nIntervention(s): Patients were randomized to the PGS group or the control group on day 3 after oocyte retrieval; 23 women underwent blastomere biopsy on day 3 after fertilization (PGS group), and 24 women underwent routine IVF (control group). All embryos were transferred on day 5 or 6 after fertilization.\n\nMain Outcome Measure(s): Pregnancy, implantation, multiple gestation, and live birth rates.\n\nResult(s): No statistically

significant differences were found between the PGS and control 4 groups with respect to clinical pregnancy rate Dinaciclib (52.4% versus 72.7%). However, the embryo implantation rate was statistically significantly lower for the PGS group (34.7% versus 62.3%) as were the live birth rate (28.6% versus 68.2%) and the multiple birth rate (9.1% versus 46.7%).\n\nConclusion(s): In a “good prognosis” population of women, PGS does not appear to improve pregnancy, implantation, or live birth rates. (Fertil Steril (R)

2009;91:1731-8. (C)2009 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)”
“Objective: AZD2014 molecular weight To assess changes in the levator plate angle (LPA), anteroposterior length of the levator hiatus (H-line), and pelvic floor descent (M-line) after vaginal hysterectomy and prolapse repair using the Gynecare Prolift Total Pelvic Floor Repair System. Methods: Before and after the intervention, 20 women with pelvic floor prolapse underwent dynamic magnetic resonance imaging in supine position during the Valsalva maneuver to measure the LPA, H-line, and M-line. Paired t tests were performed and Pearson correlation coefficients calculated from values obtained using the pelvic organ prolapse quantification system. Results: After the intervention the LPA was smaller (46.92 degrees vs 55.39 degrees, P<0.05), the H-line was shorter (53.70 cm vs 60.46 cm, P<0.05), and the M-line was shorter (19.58 cm vs 25.27 cm, P<0.05).

Recently we reported a nitrobenzenethiol (NBT) based method for s

Recently we reported a nitrobenzenethiol (NBT) based method for screening thiol reactive skin sensitizers, however, amine selective sensitizers are not detected by this assay. In the present study we describe an amine (pyridoxylamine (PDA)) based kinetic assay to complement the NBT assay for identification of amine-selective and non-selective skin sensitizers. UV-Vis spectrophotometry and fluorescence were used to measure PDA reactivity for 57 chemicals including anhydrides, aldehydes, and quinones where reaction rates ranged from 116 to 6.2 x 10(-6) M-1 s(-1) for

extreme to weak sensitizers, respectively. No reactivity towards PDA was observed with the thiol-selective sensitizers, non-sensitizers and prohaptens. The PDA rate constants correlated significantly with their respective murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) threshold EC3 values (R-2 = 0.76). The use of PDA serves as a simple, inexpensive amine based method that shows promise as a preliminary ABT-737 inhibitor screening tool for electrophilic, amine-selective skin sensitizers. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Saponifiable lipids (SLs) were extracted with hexane from wet biomass (86 wt% water) of the microalga Nannochloropsis gaditana in order to transform them this website into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs, biodiesel). The influence

of homogenization pressure on SL extraction yield at low temperature (20-22 degrees C) was studied. Homogenization at 1700 bar tripled the SL extraction yield. Two biomass batches with similar total lipid content but different lipidic compositions were used. Batch 1 contained fewer SLs (12.0 wt%) and neutral saponifiable lipids (NSLs, 7.9 wt%) than batch 2 (21.6 and 17.2 wt%, respectively). For this reason, and due to the selectivity of hexane toward NSLs, high SL yield (69.1 wt%) and purity (71.0 wt%) were obtained from batch 2. Moreover, this extract contains a small percentage Selleck Blebbistatin of polyunsaturated fatty acids (16.9 wt%), thereby improving the biodiesel quality. Finally, up to 97.0% of extracted SLs were transformed to FAMEs by acid catalyzed transesterification. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”

(PTN) and midkine (MK) are two growth factors highly redundant in function that exhibit neurotrophic actions and are upregulated at sites of nerve injury, both properties being compatible with a potential involvement in the pathophysiological events that follow nerve damage (i.e. neuropathic pain). We have tested this hypothesis by comparatively studying PTN and MK gene expression in the spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of three rat strains known to differ in their behavioural responses to chronic constriction injury (CCI) of the sciatic nerve: Lewis, 123 Fischer 344 (F344) and Sprague-Dawley (SD). Real time RT-PCR revealed minimal changes in PTN/MK gene expression in the spinal cord after CCI despite the strain considered, but marked changes were detected in DRG.