However, because the tablet has a higher increment per unit dose,

However, because the tablet has a higher increment per unit dose, upward dose adjustments to three tablets (600/150 mg twice daily) require careful consideration and monitoring to avoid the risk of adverse effects. Pregnant women experience physiological changes resulting in clinically significant pharmacokinetic alterations in drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination which can impact on the choice of dosing regimen and may compromise treatment efficacy for both mother and baby. Total body water increases by up to 8 L, the plasma

volume increases by 50% and body fat stores also increase [12]. As a result, the volume of distribution (Vd) selleck screening library for both lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs increases, thereby diluting the amount of total drug contained within the plasma compartment. Furthermore, altered concentrations of corticosteroids in pregnancy may affect the regulation of hepatic cytochrome P450 (CYP450) pathways [13]. LPV is highly (98–99%) protein bound, predominantly to alpha-1-acid glycoprotein (AAG) [14]. Under normal circumstances, physiological AAG concentrations in human plasma range from approximately 400 to 1000 μg/mL in healthy young adults, with women having

slightly lower levels than men, but can vary considerably in the presence of acute or chronic inflammation [15,16]. A number of studies have demonstrated that AAG concentrations are markedly decreased during learn more the later stages of pregnancy [4,17,18]. It is therefore possible that fluctuations in plasma AAG levels (a protein representing a high-affinity, low-capacity binding site which can be readily saturated by high drug concentrations) may affect the concentration of free drug available for both intracellular and transplacental passage. Consequently, low total LPV concentrations may not be a risk factor if unbound (active) concentrations are equivalent to

those in nonpregnant controls. Indeed, recent data suggest that differential protein binding in pregnancy can affect the fraction of unbound LPV [19]. In one study, AAG concentrations were significantly reduced during the third trimester which correspondingly resulted in decreased Montelukast Sodium protein binding and a significantly higher LPV unbound fraction [4]. In view of the limited data available and discrepancies concerning dosing, further pharmacokinetic studies are warranted (particularly in the third trimester) to ensure the safe and effective use of the LPV/r tablet in pregnancy. The objectives of the current study were to determine both total plasma and unbound (ultrafiltrate) LPV concentrations in patients receiving the LPV/r tablet (400/100 mg twice daily), sequentially in each of the trimesters of pregnancy, and at postpartum after the physiological changes of pregnancy have reversed.

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