KLD developed the research idea, undertook the literature review

KLD developed the research idea, undertook the literature review and prepared the first draft of the manuscript. BK developed the research idea and substantially contributed to the drafting and revision

of the manuscript. KLD is funded by a Wellcome Trust/Imperial Global Health Fellowship and the Royal College of Physicians Thomas Watt Eden Fellowship. BK JNJ-26481585 concentration is funded by the MRC and the NIHR. We acknowledge the support of the Imperial College Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) for our work. “
“Annual influenza-associated cases of hospitalization and up to 500,000 deaths during frequent virus outbreaks and sporadic pandemics illustrate the serious health burden of influenza virus infections [1]. The high mutational rate of the virus and frequency of interspecies transmission and/or zoonosis leading to new virus subtypes makes influenza infections highly unpredictable [2] and [3]. Therefore, there is a need of developing novel

and effective influenza vaccines. Traditionally, only systemic administration of inactivated influenza Selleckchem Olaparib vaccines, mostly intramuscularly, has been used. In 2003 Flumist®, the first nasal influenza vaccine with live attenuated influenza viruses, has been approved in the US [4], which protects locally at the site of virus entry and infection. An advantage of delivering vaccines via the respiratory route is, besides the inductions of local immune responses at virus settlement, the non-invasive application which is likely to increase public compliance. However, it has been described that intranasal antigen

administration induces poor immune responses when applied without an appropriate mucosal adjuvant [5]. Thus, many new effective mucosal adjuvants are in preclinical development (s. only review [6]). In 2007, bis-(3′,5′)-cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c-di-GMP) was introduced as a mucosal adjuvant with promising activity [7]. Madhun et al. showed that c-di-GMP improved the immunogenicity of an intranasally delivered subunit influenza vaccine, compared to antigen only, by inducing strong mucosal and systemic immune responses [8]. Additionally, the authors showed that intranasal administration of the c-di-GMP adjuvanted antigen induced protective antibody titers and cellular immune responses that far exceeded the responses induced by intramuscular administration of the same vaccine [8]. Moreover, Svindland et al. tested vaccination with c-di-GMP combined with a second adjuvant, Chitosan, and showed that vaccination with the combination of these molecules can further improve the humoral and cellular immune responses against target antigens [9]. Besides its adjuvantive effects, Chitosan is used as an intranasal delivery system. Other drug delivery systems such as silica nanoparticle (NP) have also been previously shown to have adjuvant properties [10] and [11].

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