[17] Although the overall SVR rate has been shown to improve in patients with LVR, it is necessary to determine which group of patients can benefit from extended therapy. The present study showed that age, timing of HCV RNA disappearance, serum RBV concentration, and ITPA SNP rs1127354 were related to the outcome of 72-week PEG-IFN/RBV therapy for patients with LVR. However, IL28B SNPs were not associated
with the outcome of 72-week treatment in patients with LVR. IL28B SNP was originally reported as a host marker Forskolin manufacturer to predict null responders to 48-week treatment.[28] The patients enrolled in our study were late viral responders, but not null responders. Including only patients with a specific on-treatment viral response may reduce the influence of IL28B SNP on the outcome. Our results are consistent with those of Mangia et al.,[29] showing that IL28B genotyping had limited clinical utility in the arrangement of response-guided therapy
for patients with genotype 1. In contrast, 11 (92%) check details of 12 patients with CA or AA at ITPA SNP rs1127354 achieved SVR among 66 patients with LVR. Polymorphic variation in the ITPA gene causing ITPase deficiency leads to an elevated concentration of inosine triphosphate (ITP) in erythrocytes. Similarly, RBV-induced anemia is triggered by the accumulation of RBV active forms of triphosphate (RBV-TP) in erythrocytes. ITP competes with RBV-TP, thus protecting cells from the lytic effects of RBV-TP. Patients with the rs1127354 CA/AA genotype have a lower risk for a hemoglobin decline of > 3 g/dL.[22, 30] In fact, we found that hemoglobin was significantly lower in patients with the CC genotype than in those with the CA/AA genotype during the initial 12 weeks of treatment (Fig. 4a). It has been reported that a cumulative reduction in RBV is more frequent in patients with the CC genotype than in patients who are non-CC. Additionally, ITPA SNP rs1127354
is one of the predictive factors for SVR.[31] However, other studies have shown that ITPA SNP is associated with RBV-induced anemia but not with medchemexpress treatment outcome in patients who undergo standard therapy.[22-25] In the 165 patients who underwent 48 weeks of therapy in our hospital, ITPA genotype was not related to outcomes of patients who underwent standard therapy (data not shown). In the present study, LVR patients were the subjects. We speculate that LVR patients have different clinical backgrounds, including genotype, related to outcome of PEG-IFN and RBV combination therapy. In a subset of patients with the favorable TT genotype of IL28B SNP rs8099917, rs1127354 SNP of ITPA seemed to be associated with the outcome of combination therapy.[32] This is the first study to demonstrate an association between ITPA SNP and SVR rate in LVR patients who underwent extended treatment. It is unclear why the ITPA genotype was associated with outcomes of LVR patients who underwent extended treatment.