In conclusion, we show that receptor repertoire of circulating NK cells is not altered by previous infection with CMV. After exposure to CMV in vitro, however, an HLA class I ligand dependent expansion of KIR2DL1+ and KIR2DL3+ cells occurs, along with expansion of cells expressing NKG2A and KIR3DS1. Changes to the NK-cell receptor repertoire were confined to CMV-IgG positive patients.
Healthy donor buffy coats and sera were collected under an ethical committee approved protocol after written informed consent from SCH727965 supplier all study participants. PBMCs were extracted by using Ficoll. IgG antibodies as a sign of previous infection with CMV were detected using a commercially available assay (Architect CMV IgG, Abbott). Ku 0059436 DNA was extracted from an aliquot of cells by NucleoSpin DNA Extraction Kit (Macherey-Nagel, Düren, Germany), and stored at −20°C until use. The remaining mononuclear cells were cryopreserved until use as described below. mAbs used to stain cell-surface and intracellular Ags were: CD3 (OKT3, eBioscience), CD56 (HCD56, BioLegend), KIR2DL1 (143211, R&D), KIR3DL1 (DX9, Miltenyi), KIR2DL3 (180701, R&D), KIR2DL1/DS1 (HP-MA4, BioLegend), KIR3DL1/S1 (Z27.3.7, Beckman Coulter),
NKG2A (Z199.1, Beckman Coulter), NKG2C (134591, R&D Systems), KIR2DS4 (JJC11.6, Miltenyi), KIR2DL5 (UP-R, BioLegend), KIR2DL2/S2/L3 (DX27, Miltenyi), Ki-67 (20Raj1, eBioscience), CD107a (H4A3, BD-Pharmingen), and IFN-γ (B27,
BD Pharmingen). Samples were acquired on a DAKO CyAn ADP nine-color flow cytometer (Beckman Coulter). For all analyses of NK-cell subsets, we gated on the CD56+/CD3− subset. FACS plots were analyzed with FlowJo software version 9.2. Propidium iodide (BD Pharmingen) was used to exclude dead cells from the analysis. Healthy donor PBMCs (0.2 × 106) were cultured in the presence of 5000 MRC-5 fetal human lung fibroblast cells (kindly provided by H. Hirsch, Basel) on 96-well plates in 200 μL of DMEM plus Vorinostat solubility dmso L-glutamine, 1 mg/mL d-glucose and pyruvate (GIBCO), 10% FCS (Sigma-Aldrich), and 1000 U penicillin/streptomycin (GIBCO). Cells were cultured at 37°C for 14–21 days, and half of the co-culture medium was replaced weekly. At indicated days, cells were harvested and analyzed by FACS for analysis of KIR and NKG2A expression. The MRC-5 cell line was infected with a WT strain of CMV (kindly provided by H. H. Hirsch, Basel) the day before culture and also weekly during the changing of culture medium. Co-culture with uninfected MRC-5 was used as a negative control. Successful infection of MRC-5 cells by CMV was assessed in control cultures demonstrating cytopathic effects. KIR genotype was assessed using sequence-specific primer PCR [25].