In this study we examined the biosynthesis and activities of the [NiFe]-hydrogenases during fermentative growth in null mutants lacking defined iron transport systems. Results A feoB mutant has reduced hydrogenase activity in both minimal and rich medium All three [NiFe]-hydrogenases in E. coli catalyze the hydrogen-dependent reduction of the artificial redox dye benzyl viologen (BV) [3, 14]. This activity can be visualized in colonies on
agar plates after anaerobic fermentative growth. The colonies of wild type cells develop a dark violet colour in the presence of hydrogen and BV, while mutants unable to synthesize hydrogenase remain colourless [15]. Approximately 4000 kanamycin-resistant Tn5-insertion mutants were screened for an impaired ability to catalyze the hydrogen-dependent reduction of BV after anaerobic learn more fermentative growth on M9 minimal medium plates with glucose as carbon source (see Methods for details). One of eight putative mutants isolated had a pale violet colony colour after BV-overlay in the presence of hydrogen; the characterization of the remaining seven putative mutants will be described elsewhere. Transduction of the mutation in the pale-violet mutant into a ‘clean’
MC4100 genetic background resulted in the mutant PM06, which retained the phenotype of the originally isolated mutant. Sequence analysis of the site of Tn5 insertion in the mutant revealed that it had inserted in the feoB gene, which encodes the GTPase component of the ferrous iron transporter [12]. The hydrogen-dependent
reduction of BV was determined in extracts derived from MC4100 (wild type) and PM06 (feoB::Tn5) grown anaerobically in M9 minimal medium with glucose as carbon source and with different iron sources (Table 1). The wild type MC4100 grown without addition of iron compounds had a total hydrogenase activity of 2.0 U mg of protein-1 (Table 1). Growth of MC4100 in the presence of iron citrate and potassium ferricyanide had essentially no effect on enzyme activity, while ferric chloride resulted in an 80% increase and ferric ammonium sulfate a 1.6-fold increase in total hydrogenase activity (Table 1). Growth of MC4100 in Isotretinoin the presence of potassium ferrocyanide (Fe2+) resulted in extracts with a reduced but still significant hydrogen-oxidizing activity of 66% compared to the wild type grown without addition. It was noted that due to the poor growth of the strains in minimal medium in the presence of ferricyanide and ferrocyanide the hydrogenase enzyme activity was highly variable with high SD values. This phenomenon was reproducibly observed, despite attempts to harvest cells under strictly comparable conditions of growth and presumably reflects variability in the labile Hyd-3 activity (see below). Therefore, it must be stressed that only general trends in enzyme activity changes caused by these iron sources can be considered.