as other organisms also produce yellow-colored colonies on TSA. In addition, it was found that not all Cronobacter spp. produces yellow color on TSA [2]. In a previous study, Farmer et al., [19] grouped 57 strains of E. sakazakii into 15 biogroups which later, Iversen et al., [40] expanded by using cluster LOXO-101 clinical trial analysis (based
on partial 16S rRNA sequence analysis) of 189 strains to include a 16th biogroup. This was followed by two proposals by Iversen et al. [41, 42] showing that this organism comprised of six related groups of strains that could be separated on the basis of DNA-DNA hybridization relatedness and phenotypic traits, into 5 novel MLN2238 species and 1 novel genomospecies within a new genus named Cronobacter. These studies gave a clear indication of the genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity among these organisms. Therefore, it is important that the presence and the identity of Cronobacter spp. be confirmed by more than one method. Biochemical, chromogenic and molecular techniques such as PCR that amplify specific Cronobacter spp. genes and 16S rRNA sequencing analysis should be among the methods used for this purpose. The aims of this study therefore were to analyze a wide range of foods including infant foods, milk powder, herbs, and environmental samples in an attempt to find the reservoir for this pathogen buy BI 6727 and to compare the biochemical, cultural and molecular
methods for the proper identification and confirmation of Cronobacter spp. Methods Samples collection A total of 222 samples of food, infant formula, infant foods, herbs and spices originating from 14 different countries were purchased from local markets. In addition, 11 environmental samples (vacuum dust and soil) were collected and tested for
the presence of Cronobacter spp. Isolation of Cronobacter spp It is noteworthy to mention that in this study two methods of Cronobacter spp. isolation were used. The FDA method [43] was used at the beginning of the project for the isolation of Cronobacter spp. from the food and herbal samples. However, during the project, a new modified method for the isolation of Cronobacter spp. was developed [2]. Thus, the new method was adopted for the isolation of Cronobacter spp. from infant formula and milk powder samples. Isolation of Cronobacter spp. from infant formula, Lepirudin milk powder and infant foods A total of 76 samples (40 infant formulas and solid infant foods, 29 milk powder and 7 dairy non-milk foods) were tested for the presence of Cronobacter spp. using the method described by Iversen and Forsythe, [2]. Briefly, 100 g of infant food, milk powder or infant formula were added to 900 ml of peptone water and warmed up for 25 min at 45°C. Ten milliliters were then incubated in E. sakazakii enrichment broth (ESE) for 24 h at 37°C. From each enriched sample, 0.1 ml and 1 ml were streaked or spread onto Druggan Forsythe Iversen (DFI, Oxoid, UK,) agar and incubated for 24 h at 37°C.