dendrorhous This phenomenon could explain, at least in part, the

dendrorhous. This phenomenon could explain, at least in part, the induction of carotenoid production upon ethanol addition. Figure 3 Effect of ethanol on expression of the carotenogenesis genes. The expression kinetics after adding ethanol (2 g/l final concentration) was determined relative to selleckchem control (black circle) for the crtYB mature mRNA (mm, white circle) and the alternative mRNA (am, black inverted triangle) (a); mmcrtI and

amcrtI (b); and crtS(c). The error bars correspond to standard deviation (n = 3). The negative values on the y-axis denote decreases relative to control. Effect of glucose and ethanol on synthesis of pigments To address the biological significance of the changes in the mRNA levels of the carotenogenesis genes upon glucose and ethanol addition, we tested the effect of these compounds on early pigment production. For this experiment, we measured Bortezomib cost carotenoid production during a short time after the carbon source addition, thus allowing a more direct correlation between both phenomena. For this purpose, X. dendrorhous cells were grown in YM medium without glucose for up to 24 h after the stationary phase had been reached, at which point

the cultures were divided into three aliquots. Glucose was added to one of the aliquots to a final concentration of 20 g/l. Ethanol was added to another aliquot to a final concentration of 2 g/l and the remaining aliquot see more was left untreated (control). Subsequently, aliquots from these cultures were collected 2, 4, 6 and 24 h after

treatment, and the biomass production as well as the amount and composition of carotenoids present in each sample were determined. We found that the addition of glucose caused an increase in biomass that was notably higher than that observed 24 h after the addition of ethanol (Figure 4a). However, analysis of the total amount of carotenoids per ml of culture (Figure 4b) revealed that no pigments were produced even 24 h after adding the carbon source in the glucose-treated aliquot. By contrast, upon addition of ethanol, there was an almost 1.8-fold increase in the amount of carotenoids present 24 h after treatment as compared Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II with control (Figure 4b). In this case, although there was also an increase in biomass, the increase was coupled with pigment production. By analyzing the specific amount of carotenoids, we found that glucose addition caused a progressive decrease in the amount of pigments produced per dry biomass unit (ppm) (Figure 4c). This decrease became noticeable just 2 h after the addition of the sugar, reaching a level that was three-fold less than in the control after 24 h, and was mainly due to the increase in biomass and lack of pigment synthesis. However, upon the addition of ethanol, the amount of carotenoids per unit of biomass remained relatively constant, reaching a level slightly lower than the control 24 h after the carbon source was added.

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