indicates local structural thinning of the oxide during the fabrication, which serves as an insulating area between adjacent active regions. Enhanced DNA/RNA Synthesis inhibitor current flow is Sapanisertib noticeable along the grain boundaries of WO3 nanoflake, the peak current with maximum intensity was clearly identified and its measured value was 248 pA. The average tunnelling current was relatively low, corresponding to the changes in WO3 nanoflake thickness and small inhomogeneities, as each of the developed Q2D WO3 nanoflake consisted of several fundamental layers of WO3. Due to the low conductivity of the fabricated Q2D WO3 nanoflakes, the adhesion between the PF TUNA tip and the WO3 nanoflakes was found to be poor. Noteworthy, the measured thickness of exfoliated Q2D WO3 nanoflakes sintered at 650°C
was about 15 to 25 nm which is thicker than PI3K inhibitor those exfoliated Q2D WO3 nanoflakes sintered at 550°C. Figure 3 The topography and morphology of ultra-thin exfoliated Q2D WO 3 . AFM images of two exfoliated Q2D WO3 nanoflakes (flakes 1 and 2) sintered at 550°C (A), 3D image (B), cross-section height measurements of flake 1 (C) and flake 2 (D) and depth histogram for flake 2 (E). It must be taken into account that by using CSFS-AFM, it was possible to analyse not only physical and electrical parameters of the developed Q2D WO3 nanostructures with the thickness of less than 10 nm without damaging them, but also mapping measured parameters to the specific morphology of the analysed WO3 nanoflakes. Furthermore, the great advantage of this approach can be illustrated by bearing analysis, which represents the relative roughness of
a surface in terms of high and low areas. The bearing curve is the integral of the surface height histogram and plots Bumetanide the percentage of the surface above a reference plane as a function of the depth of that below the highest point of the image. Figure 4 elaborates bearing analysis performed on Q2D WO3 sintered at 550° and 650°C before and after exfoliation. For the exfoliated Q2D WO3 sintered at 550°C (Figure 4A), it is clearly shown that 90% of Q2D WO3 nanoflakes had an average particle size of less than 20 nm, whereas prior to exfoliation, 90% of the sub-micron WO3 nanostructures comprised flakes with an average particles size of approximately 50 nm. On the other hand, for WO3 nanoflakes sintered at 650°C, the average particles size of sol-gel-developed WO3 prior to exfoliation was ~75 nm (Figure 4B). Following exfoliation, it was possible to decrease the average particles size down to ~42 nm. Bearing analysis has also confirmed that the exfoliation removes larger nanoagglomerations from the surface of WO3 nanostructures and at the same time reduces the thickness of Q2D WO3 nanoflakes. These facts suggested that the sintering temperature of 550°C is more suitable than 650°C for mechanical exfoliation and the development of ultra-thin Q2D β-WO3 nanoflakes.