Tracheo-esophageal fistula following a fall of 3 m was reported o

Tracheo-esophageal fistula following a fall of 3 m was reported once, and was surgically repaired[16]. This was however an intrathoracic esophageal rupture located just above the carina and thought to be caused

by the esophagus and trachea being crushed between the sternum anteriorly and the vertebral column posteriorly. In our case the trauma-mechanism could not be fully clarified. Because no associated lesions were found in the cervical area, direct blunt trauma is probably not the cause of this rupture. Rupture caused by crush against the cervical spine due to flexion-hyperextension injury has never been described without concomitant cervical spine injury. This leaves Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical an acute rise in intraluminal esophageal pressure as the most probable cause for this rupture. Another lesson that can be learned from this case is the fact Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical that the leakage was not detected by CT, even after administering

oral contrast. Although no specific physical complaints of the injury were present during initial evaluation and the injury itself was not detected on CT high clinical suspicion was raised due to massive subcutaneous emphysema and pneumomediastinum without injury to the trachea, bronchus or lungs on CT and bronchoscopy. This was the main reason to suspect the diagnosis of esophageal rupture, perform laryngoscopy and to start prophylactic antibiotics and conduct further diagnostics, as recommended earlier by Goudarzi Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical et al [10]. Contrast-swallow examination and upper esophageal endoscopy are diagnostic modalities of choice in case of suspicion of esophageal rupture[17]. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Delay in diagnosis was introduced in our case

because other, potentially disabling injuries required treatment first. However, no adverse effects were encountered; antibiotics were already initiated and oral nutrition prohibited. Depending on the cause and site of a rupture, treatment is either conservative or interventional. Interventional treatment options consist of surgical repair, esophageal resection, exclusion and diversion of the esophagus and chest drainage with or without repair. However, interventional treatment Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical is more frequently required in intrathoracic ruptures. In general, most cervical esophageal perforations unlike intrathoracic Adenosine triphosphate perforations can be treated conservatively, especially if the leak is contained and clinical signs are mild[18]. Conservative treatment consists of fluid resuscitation, antibiotics, gastric decompression and food Anti-cancer Compound Library mw restriction. It is reported that 80% of the conservatively treated high esophageal ruptures will heal successfully[18]. In case of contained leakage it is most unlikely that secondary life-threatening complications like mediastinitis develop, which justifies our policy in this case. This case report presents a high cervical esophageal rupture without associated local injuries after a fall from height. As with any other cervical esophageal perforations, early recognition and treatment are of great importance.

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