035), Fig. 4A. IFNγ, CXCL9, CXCL10 and CCL2 titres in MTBs-stimulated whole blood
cell supernatants from patients with L-ETB and D-ETB were found to be similar (data not shown). We further investigated MTBs-induced cytokine responses in L-ETB patients with disease at different sites. When responses of patients with unilateral pleurisy or LNTB were compared, it was found that MTB-induced IFNγ titres in patients with LNTB were higher (P = 0.002), Fig. 4B. The MTBs-stimulated CXCL9, CXCL10, CCL2 and IL10 levels between the two groups were found selleck chemicals llc to be similar (data not shown). The D-ETB group was too small to separately study site-specific immune responses, and therefore, no intragroup differences observations could be made. This study compares the utility of whole M. tuberculosis sonicate and recombinant
antigens ESAT6 and CFP10 in dissecting host immunity in TB. It illustrates that MTBs-induced IFNγ, IL10, CXCL10 and CCL2 levels differ according to the extent of disease in the host. Of the three antigens tested, only ESAT6-induced IFNγ responses differed between TB and EC groups. Increased ESAT6-induced IFNγ in patients with TB corresponds with previous data and can be attributed to the M. tuberculosis specific–IFNγ from CD4 memory T cells in infected individuals [28, 29]. We observed that CFP10-induced IFNγ levels in patients with TB were of a higher magnitude than those induced by ESAT6; however, the CFP10-induced IFNγ response did not discriminate between TB and EC groups. This corresponds Demeclocycline with previous Wnt inhibitor reports that have shown that CFP10 does not discriminate between active TB and uninfected controls [30–32]. In addition, as antigens related to ESAT6 and CFP10 are present in some NTMs that are likely to be present in this high TB endemic region, it is possible that because of cross-reactivity to these, the discriminatory power of ESAT6 and CFP10
for identification of M. tuberculosis–infected individuals may be reduced. Mycobacterium tuberculosis whole sonicate induced the greatest magnitude of IFNγ secretion in both healthy controls and patients, but these levels were comparable between groups. Higher levels of IFNγ in healthy or latently infected individuals have been associated with a protective response to M. tuberculosis [33]. In endemic regions, IFNγ can also be regulated by the natural exposure to M. tuberculosis or NTMs as well as BCG vaccination [34, 35]. Similar MTBs-stimulated IFNγ responses in EC and TB could also be attributed to cross-reactivity with MTBs in BCG-vaccinated study subjects [29–32]. We found that MTBs induced lower levels of IFNγ and CXCL10 in patients with Adv-PTB as compared with Mod-PTB. Reduced IFNγ levels in advanced PTB are in line with previous results [36]. Previous studies have identified a decrease in M. tuberculosis–specific CD4 T cell responses in PTB with cavitary sites as compared with non-cavitary sites [37].