, 2005) One possibility we have proposed (Taylor and Henson, in

, 2005). One possibility we have proposed (Taylor and Henson, in press; also raised in the Selleck SCH772984 Introduction above) is that conceptual primes subliminally reactivate semantically related information that had been spontaneously generated at Study, thereby increasing the probability of retrieval of “internal” source (Johnson et al., 1993). Such reactivation of internal source information could explain why the effect of conceptual primes is restricted to studied items (Hits), contrary to fluency-attribution

accounts that have been used to explain the increase in K responses (Hits and False Alarms) following repetition primes. Further support for this hypothesis awaits future study. It should be noted that a recollection-based interpretation of the parietal fROI results is neither selleckchem necessary nor sufficient. It is not necessary because there may be another interpretation, other than recollection per se, for the increase in parietal BOLD signal (e.g., attention to internally- vs externally-generated information; Cabeza et al., 2008). This could be tested by use of other memory judgments, such as objective measures of internal versus external source information. The recollection hypothesis is not sufficient either because

other behavioral findings in our previous studies remain to be explained. For example, this hypothesis does not explain why we have been unable to replicate the effect of conceptual primes on R judgments when using only conceptual primes throughout the experiment (i.e., without concurrent blocks of repetition primes; Taylor ADAMTS5 and Henson, in press).

6 Rather, this latter finding would seem easier to explain in terms of the “artifact” hypothesis raised in the Introduction: that participants need to experience two different types of fluency, in conjunction with being required to give mutually-exclusive R/K judgments, in order for R judgments to be affected. The latter could be tested simply by repeating the above experiments, complete with fMRI, but using independent ratings of remembering and knowing ( Higham and Vokey, 2004; Brown and Bodner, 2011; Kurilla and Westerman, 2008). Importantly, however, the recollection hypothesis is clearly productive, in terms of predictions for future experiments. One test, for example, would be to manipulate the study task: Only when that task is “deep” enough to engender semantic elaboration (as likely for the “interestingness” task used here), should the effect of conceptual primes on R judgments occur (i.e., no effect should be found when the Study task focuses on non-semantic features such as phonology/orthographics).

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