, 2008a, b) Further analysis must be carried out to determine ho

, 2008a, b). Further analysis must be carried out to determine how these

characteristics are involved in protein functionality. In the interaction between Rhizobium strain NGR234 and Tephrosia vogelii, both positive and negative T3SS effectors have been described, resulting in the generation of the ‘equilibrium hypothesis’, which suggests that the combination of these effects determines whether T3SS acts positively, negatively, or has no effect on nodule formation (Skorpil et al., 2005; Kambara et al., 2009). A dual effect selleck of T3SS effectors also was described for plant-bacterial pathogens (Oh et al., 1990; Boureau et al., 2011). Okazaki et al. (2010) attributed a negative effect for Mlr6361 on Lo. halophilus nodulation. Our results also indicate a negative effect for Mlr6361 in competitiveness on Lo. japonicus MG-20 and could not discard the same on Lo. tenuis. However, the negative role of Mlr6361 does not appear to be the only factor responsible for the negative effects of T3SS functionality on both plants. Besides the putative M. loti T3SS effectors

studied here, several other candidate effectors remain to be analyzed. Some arose from our bioinformatic search of promoter regions containing sequences significantly homologous to the tts box (Sánchez et al., 2009). Other candidate effectors arose from the analysis of Yang et al. (2010), and by homology to known phytopathogen T3SS effectors, other two putative PLX3397 T3SS proteins in M. loti MAFF303099 were identified (Grant et al., 2006). The results obtained from kinetic nodulation Palmatine and competitiveness analysis on Lo. tenuis cv. Esmeralda also indicate a better performance for the rhcN mutant than for the mutant affected in the expression of the three putative T3SS effectors. This is in concordance

with the idea that a mutation that affects T3SS functionality prevents both positive and negative T3SS effects. However, the rhcN mutant induced a lower number of nodules than the wt strain in spite of the higher competitiveness of the former. This indicates that high competitiveness not necessarily reflects high nodulation capacity and suggests that the participation of the positive and negative effects resulting from T3SS functionality may affect different phenotypes in a different manner. In conclusion, the results presented here demonstrate the capacity of Mlr6331 and Mlr6316 N-terminal regions to direct secretion through M. loti T3SS. The results also show that Mlr6358, Mlr6361, Mlr6331, and Mlr6316, either individually or in combination, play a role in the symbiotic competitiveness on Lo. tenuis and/or Lo. japonicus. Data also show that the function of T3SS in the symbiotic process with lotus results from a balance between positive and negative effects. Further analysis is needed to identify other M. loti T3SS effectors or components involved in T3SS functionality in symbiosis.

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