21-fold increase in GMC in the CTC group (95%CI = 4.00–4.43) and a 4.51-fold (95%CI = 4.31–4.73) in the SCC group. The upper limit of the 95%CI for the ratio of GMCs was 1.16. The regression model adjusting for GMC at baseline and previous vaccination showed a GMCs ratio of 0.99 (95%CI = 0.72–1.36). The PP analysis did not show any significant differences (Table 4). Almost all participants (97.3%) were observed
for the full 30 min after vaccination. No AEs were observed during this period. A small number of participants (n = 25) self-reported AEs occurring 7 days after vaccination (2 in CTC, 23 in SCC, p < 0.000). These were characterized buy Y-27632 by a local reaction at the injection site with pain and swelling accompanied by fever in 13 cases and headache in 8. No AEs were reported
by health centers. This study demonstrates the stability and immunogenicity of TT kept in CTC at GSK-3 inhibitor temperatures <40 °C for up to 30 days. Laboratory results showed that TT in CTC retained adequate potency levels. Seroprotection results and cumulative distribution curves showed similar immunological responses in CTC and SCC groups. In this study, the high proportion of participants already protected at baseline resulted in a reduction of power to detect the non-inferiority in seroconversion in the CTC group at a 5% margin as intended. However, previous CTC studies have used 10% non-inferiority margin [25]. In this study, a 10% margin with a protection threshold of 0.20 IU/ml results in 96.3% power to establish non-inferiority of TT in CTC. Seroconversion
results, comparable increases in GMC and vaccine’s stability demonstrated in the preliminary study phase indicate that TT in CTC does not result in a significant loss of vaccine effectiveness. The possibility of using TT in CTC is a major advantage for countries where maternal and neonatal tetanus continues to be a public health problem. WHO recommends immunization against tetanus with the combined tetanus and diphtheria toxoids [26]. However, TT continues to be used in most countries aiming to achieve MNTE goals [27]. The implementation of SIAs in CTC presents an opportunity to reach populations that are inaccessible by “traditional” strategies. Registration of AEs occurring after vaccination relied on self-reporting. others Previous studies have shown that spontaneous reporting of AE after TT administration is infrequent [28]. A larger number of women might have experienced reactions that were not reported; there was no indication that any serious unreported AE occurred. In this study, baseline tetanus protection was higher than anticipated. It is possible that despite the use of a structured questionnaire by trained interviewers, not all previous TT doses were captured. TT vaccination history can be difficult to determine, especially among women vaccinated a long time ago [29] and those with low awareness of the purpose of vaccination [30]. Nonetheless, we found that 74.