Again, however, further

experiments are necessary to test

Again, however, further

experiments are necessary to test this theory. The synaptic mechanisms responsible for the generation of cue-evoked cholinergic transients during incongruent hits remain largely speculative. The evidence supports the general idea that a cue that will be detected is ‘inserted’ into cortical circuitry via cue-evoked glutamatergic transients from mediodorsal thalamic projections (Fig. 1). As discussed above, cue-evoked glutamatergic transients, evoked by all cues yielding hits irrespective of trial sequence, are necessary, but not sufficient, for generating the cholinergic transients; the latter being evoked only by cues yielding incongruent hits. Thus, it needs to be determined whether cholinergic transients are actively suppressed during consecutive hits or whether such transients are generated specifically

click here during incongruent hits and based on additional, currently unknown, circuitry. One possibility is that cholinergic transients are not generated on consecutive hits because the signal-associated task response condition is already activated, and thus there is no need for a ‘shift’. On the other hand, there is evidence consistent with the alternative possibility that cholinergic transients are actively suppressed during consecutive hits. Cholinergic transients may depolarise GABAergic interneurons and thereby contribute to their own subsequent suppression (see above; Xiang et al., 1998). Furthermore, muscarinic mechanisms have Dabrafenib purchase been demonstrated to maintain persistent firing of neurons (Klink & Alonso, 1997; Egorov et al., 2002). Some of these neurons may be inhibitory interneurons, and thus this mechanism could contribute Sitaxentan to the persistent suppression of cholinergic transients during strings

of consecutive hits. Our own preliminary evidence supports the hypothesis that local GABAergic activity can suppress cholinergic transients (Berry et al., 2011). In this scheme, a nonsignal event would be speculated to terminate such suppression of cholinergic transients, ‘releasing’ glutamatergic–cholinergic transient interactions from inhibition and therefore allowing a subsequent cue, if detected, to again evoke a cholinergic transient. The mechanisms that would terminate this proposed persistent suppression of cholinergic transients remain entirely unknown. To this point, our discussion has focused largely on presynaptic mechanisms and cognitive contexts associated with the generation of cholinergic transients. An additional, and equally important consideration focuses on the postsynaptic effects of these release events.

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