Each belief was multiplied by the corresponding motivation INCB024360 to comply [19] and a mean computed. Control beliefs were assessed by 14 items. Each belief was multiplied by the corresponding power item [19] and a mean computed. Table 4 summarises differences between MMR and dTaP/IPV in terms of parents’ scores on each TPB component. The descriptive statistics indicate that most parents intended to immunise, and most had reasonably positive attitudes towards immunising, moderately strong subjective norms and high perceived control. Belief composites are discussed in 3.7. There was no significant
difference between the two vaccinations on any of the TPB components (p > 0.05). As scores for intention were severely skewed, an inverse transformation was conducted [20], but this did not render the distribution normal. Inhibitor Library high throughput Thus, intention was dichotomised into parents with ‘maximum immunisation intentions’ (MI; maximum possible score of +3) and parents with ‘less than maximum intentions’ (LMI; score <3). Of the 147 parents in the MMR group, 65 (44.2%) had maximum intentions and 82 (55.8%) less than maximum intentions. Of the 108 parents in the dTaP/IPV group, 57 (52.8%) had maximum intentions and 51 (47.2%) had less than maximum intentions. There was no relationship between intention (MI;
LMI) and vaccination (MMR; dTaP/IPV): 2 × 2 χ2(1, n = 255) = 1.828, p = 0.176. Biserial correlation coefficients (rb) were computed between dichotomised intention (MI;
LMI) and the TPB components. Spearman’s correlation coefficients (rs) were computed between the TPB components and sociodemographic variables for MMR ( Table 5) and dTaP/IPV ( Table 6) separately. When interpreting the biserial correlation coefficients (rb), information about the direction of the relationship should be ignored, as the sign of the coefficient is dependent on how the category (intention) is coded [24]. With a Bonferroni correction to overcome the likelihood of a Type 1 error (0.05 divided by 45), only differences p ≤ 0.001 were considered significant [24]. For MMR, all TPB components (the three direct predictors and three belief composites) correlated significantly to with intention. For dTaP/IPV, all TPB components were significantly correlated with intention, except for subjective norm, normative beliefs and control beliefs (p > 0.001). Of the sociodemographic variables, number of children correlated significantly with intention to immunise with dTaP/IPV. For both vaccinations, each belief composite correlated significantly with its direct predictor of intentions (i.e. behavioural beliefs correlated with attitudes). Among the three direct predictors from the TPB, attitude correlated most strongly with intention. The relationship between each of the remaining sociodemographic variables and dichotomised intention were examined using Pearson’s chi-square tests for MMR and dTaP/IPV separately.