Elongations 30–150 μm long from last side branch, with numerous guttules, appearing verrucose under low magnification,
becoming fertile. Structure of conidiophores examined after 6–18 days. Simple conidiophores or shrubs around the agar plug of a short stipe with 1–3 main axes to ca 75 μm long, bearing several asymmetric or paired 1–4(–6) celled terminal branches with phialides solitary or in whorls of 2–5. Pustules of a loose reticulum with right-angled branching. Branches mostly unpaired, with numerous free ends bearing terminal whorls of phialides and minute conidial heads <15 μm. Conidiophores 2–5 μm wide, with side branches increasing in length CX-6258 manufacturer from the top in a short distance, resulting in broad structures. Branching points often thickened to 6 μm. Phialides
arising from cells 2–3 μm wide. Conidiophores appearing verrucose with age due to fine guttules. Phialides (4–)5–9(–12) × (2.0–)2.3–2.8(–3.3) μm, l/w = (1.5–)2.0–3.7(–5.0), (1.3–)1.7–2.3(–2.6) μm wide at the base (n = 70), narrowly lageniform to subulate, often inaequilateral, widest in or below the middle. Conidia (1.8–)2.5–3.2(–4.0) × (1.8–)2.0–2.4(–2.6) μm, l/w = (1.0–)1.2–1.5(–1.7) (n = 100), subglobose, ellipsoidal or attenuated at one end, learn more individually nearly colourless, light (yellowish) green in mass, smooth, with few minute guttules; PtdIns(3,4)P2 scar indistinct. At 15 and 30°C no or limited irregular growth; hyphae distorted or forming pegs. On MEA growth substantially faster than on the above media, after 2 weeks Tanespimycin mouse mycelium covering the plate nearly completely. Colony finely zonate, with greenish pustules 0.3–1.5 mm diam on the entire plate, concentrated in thick concentric zones; smaller pustules translucent, larger opaque. Pustule stipe and primary branches 7–8 μm wide. Conidiophores (= main axes) projecting to 0.5 mm from pustule margins, 3–4(–5) μm wide, 2–3.5 toward
ends. Main axes richly rebranching, with side branches mostly 80–150 μm long, increasing in length from the top in a short distance, causing broad dense structures. Branches mostly in right angles or slightly inclined upward, paired or not; branching points often thickened to 7(–8) μm. Phialides solitary or distinctly divergent in whorls of 2–5; conidia formed in minute wet heads <15 μm diam, soon drying. Phialides lageniform, less commonly ampulliform, often inaequilateral, widest in or below the middle. Conidia subhyaline to greenish yellow, light green in mass, ellipsoidal, less commonly subglobose or pyriform, smooth, with few minute guttules; scar indistinct. Measurements of phialides and conidia combined with those on SNA. Asynchronous development of conidiation within pustules.