Figure 2 Diagnostic size difference for the VNTR-141 locus of Wolbachia . Lane 1: wCer1 and wCer2 doubly infected R. cerasi from Austria (the two arrows indicate the two faint bands for this website wCer1 and wCer2); 2-4: wWil infected D. willistoni from populations collected recently in Panama (Pan98), Mexico (Apa), and Equador (JS); lane
5-6: wAu infected D. simulans strain Coffs Harbor and Yaunde 6; lane 7: uninfected (tetracycline treated) controls = D. melanogaster yw67c23T; lane 8: wTei infected D. teissieri GN53; lane 9: wMel infected D. melanogaster yw67c23; lane 10: wSpt infected D. septentriosaltans; lane 11: wCer1 singly infected R. cerasi from Hungary; lane 12: uninfected (tetracycline treated) control = D. melanogaster line yw67c23T; lane 13: wMel infected D. melanogaster yw67c23; lane 14: wMelCS infected D. melanogaster Canton S. In contrast to VNTR-141, the basic period of VNTR-105 is 105bp long containing two 23bp hairpins with 9bp palindromic stem structures and one internal short repeat of 10bp (Figure 3). VNTR-105 of wMel contains four complete 105bp periods, and two with internal deletions of 25bp
each. wMelCS and wMelPop lack one of the complete 105bp periods, i.e. contain three complete 105bp copies and two with internal deletions of 32bp (Figure 3). The tested supergroup A Selleckchem 17DMAG strains display different alleles in the VNTR-105 locus Pitavastatin cell line with amplicon sizes ranging from 3×0.5 copies (wCer1,
amplicon size using the locus specific primers 998bp), 2.5 copies (wWil 1065bp, wAu 1065bp), 3+2×0.5 copies (wMelCS and wMelPop 1241bp), 4+2×0.5 copies (wMel 1347bp), 3+4×0.5 copies (wSpt 1408bp) and 5+2×0.5 copies (wSan, 1476bp; wYak and wTei had similar amplicon sizes to wSan but were not sequenced). wCer2 had a large amplicon for this VNTR locus and difficulties were experienced with accurately sequencing these large loci because of restrictions with read lengths, as well as problems in detecting an accurate overlap between forward and reverse sequences. VNTR-105 amplicon size NADPH-cytochrome-c2 reductase differences can be easily resolved on agarose gels (data not shown). In comparison to VNTR-141, the structure of the VNTR-105 locus is less conserved within and between strains because of internal deletions, yet the period sequences are almost identical (i.e. 98%) within wMel and between other strains. For this reason a phylogenetic analysis of period sequence data is not appropriate, whereas the analysis of diagnostic characters such as copy numbers are more informative (Figure 3). Figure 3 Schematic presentation of the VNTR-105 locus in seven w Mel-like Wolbachia strains of Drosophila . The complete 105bp period is shown as black arrows; the two 23bp hairpins A and B as full and empty lariats, respectively; the 15bp inverted repeat as grey boxes; and deleted sections in grey.