Figure 3 Metabolic activity of intracellular chlamydiae in infected monocytes and monocyte-derived DCs. Monocytes and monocyte-derived DCs were infected with C. trachomatis serovars Ba, D and L2 (MOI-3) and mock control. 16S rRNA gene copy numbers was determined by isolating RNA at the indicated time points, followed by real-time PCR as described in materials and methods. 16S rRNA fold change was normalized to 18S rRNA and determined by ddCt method with mock sample
as reference gene. The mean of 3 independent experiments is shown and each experiment is pool buy CH5424802 of 2 donors. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05. In contrast 16S rRNA expression level was negligible in DCs for serovars Ba and D at 1 day p.i. and further declined with infection progression (Figure 3). Serovar L2 displayed highly significant expression of 16S rRNA at 1and 2 day p.i. Although the level declined on the 3 day p.i., the expression remained significant BIRB 796 (Figure 3).
To further characterize developmental state of chlamydial serovars within the infected monocytes and DCs, gene expression of euo, ompA and omcB were investigated. Each of these genes are known to be expressed at different developmental stages of chlamydiae (early, mid and late phase respectively), and have previously reported to be transcriptionally altered during chlamydial growth in human monocytes and DCs [40,42]. Figure 4 depicts the expression of the three genes in monocytes
and DCs respectively. Expression of the 3 genes within serovars Ba and D in both cell types was similar and stable, albeit at low levels in all the three time points that were investigated. Serovar L2 depicted a different pattern; early stage gene euo was significantly expressed 1 day p.i. compared to serovars Ba and D, gradually diminishing with time in both monocytes and DCs. The expression of mid-cycle gene ompA for serovar L2, although higher than the serovars Ba and D, was not statistically significant in infected monocytes. The expression for ompA within infected DCs peaked at 2 day p.i. significant to both serovars Ba and D. Expression of late stage gene omcB increased significantly 3 days p.i. for serovar L2 compared to serovars Ba and D in both monocytes and DCs. Figure 4 Quantification of euo , ompA and omcB gene expression in Ureohydrolase chlamydiae infected monocytes and monocyte-derived DCs. Monocytes and monocyte-derived DCs were infected with C. trachomatis serovars Ba, D and L2 (MOI-3) and mock control. Copy numbers of euo, ompA and omcB genes were determined by isolating RNA at the indicated time points, followed by real-time PCR as described in materials and methods. Gene fold change was normalized to chlamydial 16S rRNA and determined by ddCt method with mock sample as reference gene. The mean of 3 independent experiments is shown and each experiment is pool of 2 donors. ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05.