However, the transfer of the hp gas at the remaining small pressure differential towards the end of the extraction process was slow. Prolonged transfer times that allow for a maximized hp gas transfer were found to be detrimental to the overall spin polarization of the final hp gas sample. Using a 40% xenon in nitrogen mixture and an SEOP at pressure of 50 kPa, roughly 18 ml of hp 129Xe (with Extraction Scheme 1) with Papp≈14%Papp≈14% were obtained (Fig. 4). For the imaging experiments, a 25% xenon mixture was used at 40 kPa leading to this website a lower polarization of Papp = 10.9 ± 0.1% that was delivered for inhalation to an excised rat lung (see Section 6 for further experimental details).
Since this polarization led to excellent image quality shown in Fig. 5, the experiments were not repeated with the
selleck chemicals 40% mixture. A single, cryogenics free delivery of hp 129Xe was used and 4 ml of the hp gas mixture were inhaled by the excised rat lung for each MRI without signal averaging ( Fig. 5a, c, d, e, g and h) or for each of the scans when signal averaging was applied ( Fig 5b and f). Variable flip angle (VFA) FLASH MRI sequence [29] was applied to utilize the complete hyperpolarized spin state. Imai et al. had previously demonstrated in vivo hp 129Xe MRI under continuous flow conditions without cryogen usage. This method allowed for, but also required, many inhalation cycles. However, Fig. 4 demonstrates that cryogenics free, slice selective MRI is feasible within a single scan (number of experiments; NEX = 1) GBA3 with the extraction schemes presented in this work, at least for ex vivo work. Note that the high applied field strength of 9.4 T was not necessarily advantageous for pulmonary hp 129Xe MRI due to strong magnetic field inhomogeneities in the heterogeneous medium leading to fast transverse relaxation with T2⁎ = 1.77 ± 0.37 ms.
In vivo application of this method was not explored in this work, however Extraction Scheme 1 was applied to ex vivo lung functional studies, including post mortem airway sensitivity to methacholine challenge, published elsewhere [30]. Due to quadrupolar relaxation that causes fast depolarization, a rapid gas transfer is crucial for the hp 83Kr extraction if polarization losses are to be minimized. Since transfer rate of the hp gas was dependent on the extraction scheme (see discussion in the Hp 129Xe extraction section) one would expect clear differences in the observed hp 83Kr spin polarization between Extraction Scheme 1 and 2. As shown in Fig. 4c, the slower Extraction Scheme 1 lead to substantial polarization losses compared to baseline data at all SEOP pressures below 150 kPa (filled squares). There was a clear advantage of Extraction Scheme 2 (triangles) and approximately 80% of the baseline polarization was recovered with this method at SEOP pressures above 50 kPa.