It is likely that they can carry the information about the condit

It is likely that they can carry the information about the conditions in the early state of the evolution of the protoplanetary

disc from which planets are formed. This collection of systems containig planets in or close to the mean-motion resonances will be a starting point for a living database of the complete data on systems which this website possess this interesting property and will be helpful in uncovering the processes responsible for the diversity of the planetary architectures. Acknowledgements This work has Doramapimod order been partially supported by MNiSW grant N N203 583740 (2011–2012) and MNiSW PMN grant – ASTROSIM-PL “Computational Astrophysics. The formation and evolution of structures in the universe: from planets to galaxies” (2008–2011). The simulations reported here were performed using the HAL9000 cluster of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the University of Szczecin. We are grateful to John Papaloizou for enlightening discussions. We wish also to thank Adam Łacny for his helpful comments. Finally, we are indebted to Franco Ferrari for reading the manuscript and his continuous support in the development of our computational techniques and computer facilities. References Adams FC, Laughlin G,

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