Kukliński, P Bałazy and the officers and crew of the r/v ‘Oceani

Kukliński, P. Bałazy and the officers and crew of the r/v ‘Oceania’ for their assistance at sea. We thank especially Prof. Stanisław Massel, who provided numerical simulations, and Dr K.W. Opaliński helped a lot in the final shaping of the

discussion and the present version of the manuscript. “
“The Editor would like to thank every reviewer who cooperated by evaluating the papers submitted to Oceanologia in 2011. We have received kind permission to print the following reviewers’ names: ■ Dr David G. Adams (University of Leeds, United Kingdom) “
“The underwater light field is a major factor affecting the composition and quantitative characteristics of phytoplankton pigments in the environment. Changes in light intensity and its spectral distribution in the water body govern the physiological acclimation of phytoplankton cells (Harrison and Platt, 1986 and Falkowski and Dabrafenib LaRoche, 1991). These adjustments lead to morphological changes in algae cells, i.e. a change in volume and the number of thylakoid membranes – by up to 50% (van Leeuwe & Stefels 1998), and a resizing of the different cellular structures (Sukenik et al. 1987). As a result, the contents of pigments and lipids

and their composition in the cells of algae and cyanobacteria change (Berner et al., 1989 and Falkowski and LaRoche, 1991), which implies that the absorption characteristics of marine algae (Bricaud et al., 1983, Sathyendranath et al., 1987 and Stramski et al., 2002), and by extension the quantum yield of photosynthesis (Morel et al. 1987) must have changed, too. The nature of the underwater light field affects the intercellular content of the photosynthetic (PSP) and photoprotective (PPP) pigments by learn more various types of photoadaptation, which enables organisms to achieve the most efficient absorption of light quanta for use in photosynthesis (Babin et al., 1996, Woźniak et al., 2003, Woźniak and Dera, 2007 and Dera and Woźniak, 2010). These processes may occur as a result of the high intensity of Dapagliflozin blue light in the surface water layer, which would cause photooxidation

of chlorophyll a, or of the presence of a narrow spectral irradiance at different depths, which prevents the chlorophyll a molecule from directly absorbing light quanta. In the first case, the cells produce larger amounts of protective pigments (intensity adaptation, also called photoadaptation), while in the second case, they support the production of additional pigments (antenna pigments), which permit the more efficient utilization of solar energy through photosynthesis (chromatic acclimation). In both cases the modifications affect not only the concentration of pigments in the cells, but also their relative content (i.e. the ratio Ci/Cchl a, where i denotes the relevant pigment), determining the vertical distributions of the relative content of PSP and PPP in the water body ( Schlüter et al., 2000, Henriksen et al., 2002 and Staehr et al., 2002). Photoacclimation is a highly dynamic process.

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