Setting: Four community physiotherapy
services drawing patients from 94 general practices in England. Participants: Adults referred by a general practitioner or self-referred to physiotherapy for a musculoskeletal problem were eligible for inclusion. Referral from Roxadustat datasheet a consultant and an inability to communicate in English were key exclusion criteria. Randomisation of 2256 participants at a ratio of 2:1 allocated 1513 to PhysioDirect and 743 to the usual care physiotherapy. Interventions: PhysioDirect participants were invited to telephone a physiotherapist for initial assessment and advice followed by further telephone advice and face-to-face physiotherapy if necessary. After the initial call most participants were sent written advice about self management and exercises. The usual-care comparison group joined a waiting list for face-to-face physiotherapy management. Outcome measures: The primary outcome
was change in physical health, measured with the physical component summary (PCS) measure from the SF-36 questionnaire at 6 weeks and 6 months. Secondary clinical outcome measures included the Measure Yourself Medical Outcomes Profile, global improvement in the main problem, and questions about satisfaction from the selleck compound General Practice Assessment Questionnaire; and measures of process of care, including number of appointments, and waiting time. Results: Primary outcome data were obtained from 85% of participants at 6 months. There was no difference in the SF-36 PCS measure between the PhysioDirect and comparison
groups at 6 months (Mean difference (MD) = −0.01, 95% CI −0.80 to 0.79) and 6 weeks (MD 0.42, 95% CI −0.28 to 1.12). There were no differences between the groups in other clinical outcomes at 6 months, but there were small improvements in the PhysioDirect group at 6 weeks in the global improvement score (MD 0.15 units, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.28) and in the Measure Yourself Medical Resminostat Outcomes Profile score (MD −0.19 units, 95%CI −0.30 to −0.07). 47% of PhysioDirect participants were managed entirely by telephone, and they had fewer faceto- face appointments (mean 1.9 vs 3.1), and a shorter wait for physiotherapy treatment (median 7 vs 34 days) than the comparison group. PhysioDirect participants were less satisfied with the service than the comparison group (MD −3.8%, 95% CI −7.3 to −0.3). Conclusion: Providing an initial telephone physiotherapy service for patients with musculoskeletal problems that reduced waiting time and required fewer appointments was as effective as providing face-to-face physiotherapy, but was associated with slightly lower patient satisfaction. Ever-increasing waiting lists are a problem for our health system.