Similarly, dideoxynucleosides cause peripheral neuropathy [106], a common toxicity of taxanes and vinca alkaloids, so co-prescribing should be avoided. Both ZDV and dideoxynucleosides are no longer recommended for
initiation of ART but some treatment-experienced patients may still be receiving these drugs and alternatives should be considered. With Autophagy pathway inhibitor the widespread use of effective combination ART, the incidence of severe HIV-associated cerebral disease has declined dramatically [107]; however, more subtle forms of brain disease, known as HIV-associated NC disorders are reported to remain prevalent [108]. This NC deficit may present with a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, but typically includes patterns involving ineffective learning and problems with executive function, rather than pure difficulties in formulating new memory (the cortical defect typical of Alzheimer’s disease [109]). Given the changing picture of this disease, a revised nomenclature system has been proposed classifying subjects with abnormal neuropsychological testing
results in to three categories based on patient’s symptoms, measured via the activities learn more of daily living scale [108]. Subjects with abnormal neuropsychiatric testing results, who are otherwise asymptomatic, are classified as having HIV-associated asymptomatic NC impairment; those who are mildly symptomatic are classified as having HIV-associated mild NC disorder; and those who are severely symptomatic are classified as having HIV-associated dementia. The clinical relevance of asymptomatic NC impairment, namely asymptomatic subjects with abnormal results on neuropsychological testing, remains unclear. Reports describing rates of NC impairment vary with some groups describing that up to 50% of HIV-positive subjects meet the above diagnostic criteria [110]. However, such reports should be interpreted with caution as asymptomatic subjects are see more often included and not all reports correct
for effective ARV use. A Swiss cohort has reported 19% of aviraemic HIV-positive subjects meet the classification for mild NC disorder or above [111]. Risk factors for the development of NC disorders are poorly understood and are likely to be multifactorial, including both HIV disease factors [112] and concomitant diseases [113]. Although it is possible the choice of combination ART a subject receives may influence NC function, this is a controversial area without definitive evidence. The following recommendations apply to patients with symptomatic HIV-associated NC disorders. We recommend patients with symptomatic HIV-associated NC disorders start ART irrespective of CD4 lymphocyte count (1C). Proportion of patients with symptomatic HIV-associated NC disorders on ART. Current evidence suggests NC function improves after commencing ART for the first time [114] in both cognitively symptomatic [115] and asymptomatic [116] subjects.