Stephen Whitehead, NIAID, NIH; UNC: provided by Dr Aravinda de S

Stephen Whitehead, NIAID, NIH; UNC: provided by Dr. Aravinda de Silva, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of North Carolina. Quantification of virus titer Monolayers of C6/36 cells were grown to 80% confluency in 24-well tissue culture treated plates (BD Falcon, Franklin Lakes, NJ) and RG7112 datasheet infected with serial tenfold dilutions of each stock virus or cell supernatant. Plates were incubated for two hrs with intermittent gentle rocking

at 32°C. Inoculated monolayers were overlaid with 0.8% methylcellulose in OptiMEM (Invitrogen) supplemented with 2% FBS, 2 mM L-glutamine and 0.05 mg/ml gentamycin. Focus forming units are referred to as “”plaques”" hereafter for consistency with previous literature [24–28]; plaques were detected via immunostaining as previously described [29]. DENV-1 SCH727965 – 4 were detected using DENV – 1 specific monoclonal antibody 15F3, DENV – 2 hyperimmune mouse ascites fluid (HMAF), DENV – 3 specific hybridoma cell supernatant, and DENV- 4 HMAF, respectively; all antibodies were the kind gift of selleck chemicals Dr. Stephen S. Whitehead, National Institute of Allergy

and Infectious Disease, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. Infection of S2 cells by DENV S2 cells were grown to 80% confluency (6.0 log10 cells/well ± 3.1 log10 cells/well) in six-well tissue culture treated plates (BD Falcon). Triplicate wells were infected with each of the 12 C6/36 p1 MOI 0.1 stocks at a specified MOI, based on titer in C6/36 cells (Table 1) divided by the number of S2 cells/well, in a total volume of one ml. Virus was incubated for two hrs at 28°C with occasional, gentle rocking and washed once with one ml of conditioned S2 media. Thereafter three ml of conditioned S2 media was added to each well. S2 cells were infected at MOI 10 and incubated for five days at 28°C after which cell supernatants, designated S2 p1 MOI 10, were collected and frozen as described above. 500 μl from each S2 p1 MOI 10 replicate were then passaged in fresh S2 cells selleck kinase inhibitor as described above. Given the titers on day five for S2 p1 MOI 10 (Figure

2A), 500 μl of supernatants contained a total of 3.2 – 4.4 log10plaque forming units (log10pfu). Cells were incubated for five days and harvested to yield S2 p2 MOI 10. S2 cells were infected similarly at MOI 0.1 to yield cell supernatants S2 p1 MOI 0.1, but these supernatants were not passaged further. Virus titer in all cell supernatants was determined by serial titration in C6/36 cells as described above. Figure 2 Replication of DENV in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells. A: Titer of 12 strains of DENV 5 days post infection following passage 1 (S2 p1 MOI 10, solid bars) and passage 2 (S2 p2 MOI 10, open bars) in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells. In passage 1, cells were infected with each virus strain at MOI 10.

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