The extracts were measured by using the developed qPCR. DNA concentrations were measured using the NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Wilmington, USA). DNA samples
were stored at 4°C for use within 1 week and at -20°C for longer storage. Spore suspension for use as internal control Spore suspensions of B. thuringiensis strain ATCC 29730 (var. galleriae Heimpel) were obtained from Raven Biological Laboratories (Omaha, Nebraska, USA). These washed spores were counted by microscopy and then aliquotted and stored at 4°C. The amount of spores that needs to be added to samples to obtain suitable Cq values for this internal control must be determined empirically for each stock spore suspension. Ten-fold serial dilutions were made from the spore stock and DNA was extracted from 50 μl portions of each AZD1480 datasheet dilution by using the Nuclisens Magnetic Extraction Reagents (bioMérieux). The developed
real-time qPCR assays were used to determine the amount of spores required for a Cq value between 32 and 35. Limit of detection, efficiency and repeatability Characterization of qPCR performance was guided by the MIQE guidelines [32]. The validation was carried out by using genomic DNA as well as purified PCR amplicons find more including > 100 bp upstream and downstream from the qPCR amplification sites. The latter were used to compose template mixes of desired composition and quantities, while maintaining secondary structures in the primer binding regions. Detection limits (LOD) for genomic DNA were determined by using purified DNA from cultures of B. anthracis strain Vollum, F. tularensis strain tularensis ATCC 6223 and Y. pestis strain Harbin. DNA was purified from lysates of these strains. The concentration of purified genomic DNA was measured by using the NanoDrop 1000 spectrophotometer. Serial dilutions of genomic DNA were used to Compound C calculate LODs from the proportion of positive qPCRs at each dilution. Four replicates of eight serial dilutions of genomic DNA were measured by qPCR. Based on the results, DOK2 an additional measurement
was performed on 4 replicates of 8 novel serial dilutions. The measurements included at least one dilution with all replicates positive and one with all replicates negative. A probit analysis was performed using SPSS Statistics 18.0.0 to calculate the DNA concentration that could be measured with 95% probability. DNA templates for measuring the detection limits from the different signature sequences were amplified from the bacterial strains mentioned above. In addition, the pdpD signature sequence from F. tularensis tularensis was amplified from ATCC 6223. To generate suitable amplicons for testing the different real-time qPCR targets, primers were designed for amplification of a signature sequence with a size of 400-800 bp, extending beyond both ends of the region amplified by the real-time qPCR.