The inclusion membrane protein IncA is required for inclusion fusion and delays in IncA membrane localization lead to delayed homotypic fusion [8, 9, 15]. Therefore, we assessed the location of IncA in the infected neuroblastoma cells. HeLa and neuroblastoma cells were infected with C. trachomatis find more serovar
L2, fixed at 24 hpi and stained with antibodies to IncA. IncA was present on inclusion membranes in both HeLa and neuroblastoma cells (Figure 5C and 5D, respectively). Taken together, these data demonstrate that the delay in inclusion fusion observed in neuroblastoma cells is not due to differences in fusion competency or to differences in the presence of IncA. Additionally, when infected neuroblastomas were grown on fibronectin micropatterns to force centrosome clustering, inclusion fusion was restored (Additional file 2: Figure S1). Figure 5 Neuroblastomas are fusion competent and IncA localizes to the inclusion membrane during infection. HeLa cells (A) and neuroblastomas (B) were infected with C. trachomatis serovar G. At 40 hpi, cells were superinfected with C. trachomatis serovar L2 and fixed four hours after superinfection. Cells were stained with human sera (red) and anti-L2 MOMP antibodies (green). HeLa cells (C) and Epoxomicin supplier neuroblastomas (D) were infected with C. trachomatis serovar L2 at MOI ~ 9 and fixed 24 hpi. Cells were stained with human sera (blue) and anti-IncA antibodies (green). Fusion is delayed in
cells with unanchored microtubule minus ends Silibinin Chlamydial inclusion fusion occurs at host centrosomes and is delayed when extra centrosomes are present. Inclusion migration is unidirectional ARN-509 research buy resulting in the chlamydial inclusion residing at the cell centrosome for its entire intracellular growth phase. In the cell, the centrosome acts as the organizing center that anchors the majority of microtubule minus ends. We hypothesize that inclusion fusion is promoted by inclusion crowding at the anchored minus ends of microtubules. To determine
if fusion is dependent on microtubule minus end anchoring, we transfected HeLa cells with the GFP tagged EB1 mutant, EB1.84-GFP. Cells expressing EB1.84-GFP have defects in microtubule organization and centrosomal anchoring resulting in unanchored free microtubule minus ends [12]. When we compared inclusion fusion in the cells that had been mock transfected to cells transfected with EB1.84-GFP, the EB1.84 producing cells were markedly delayed in inclusion fusion. At 24 hpi, transfected cells averaged 1.7 inclusions per infected cell while mock transfected cells averaged one inclusion per infected cell (P < 0.001). We also quantitated the distribution of inclusion numbers in these cells, slightly under half of the cells transfected with EB1.84-GFP contained one inclusion (46%) while the majority of mock transfected cells (92%) had a single inclusion (Figure 6A and B, respectively). Additionally, many of the EB1.