The main symptoms included greyish green to brownish grey and zon

The main symptoms included greyish green to brownish grey and zonate leaf spots without border lines, which mostly led to premature defoliation. The morphological characteristics

of the causal agent were consistent with Hinomyces pruni. Identification was supported by analysing the sequence of the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA from an isolate. The pathogenicity of the isolate was confirmed by artificial inoculation. This is the first report of zonate leaf spot caused by H. pruni Everolimus on Manchurian apricot globally as well as in Korea. “
“A frosty mildew was observed on leaves of Salix koreensis in two localities of Korea during 2011 and 2012. The main signs and symptoms were expressed as conical white to cream coloured tufts of the causal fungus on the brown lesions, followed Roscovitine cost by premature defoliation. Based on morphological observations, cultural characteristics and phylogenetic analyses of rDNA-ITS, the fungus was identified as Mycopappus alni, which has been known to be associated with frosty mildews on Alnus spp., Betula spp., Crataegus chlorosarca and Pyrus pyrifolia. Pathogenicity

test was conducted twice with the same results, fulfilling Koch’s postulates. This is the first case of Salix–Mycopappus association as well as the first report of frosty mildew on S. koreensis. “
“Blueberry red ringspot virus (BRRSV) isolates have been investigated for genetic diversity. Nucleotide sequences of the coat protein (CP) gene of 19 isolates from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovenia and the United States were analysed. The nucleotide and amino acid sequence identity were 92–100% and 89–100%, respectively. Estimations of the distribution of synonymous and non-synonymous check details changes indicated negative selection within the analysed CP gene and confirmed the genetic stability of the virus. At a capsid protein level, our results revealed

BRRSV to be distinct from other, recombination-prone pararetroviruses. “
“A new severe disease on Anthurium andraeanum Lind. was observed in the summer of 2011 in Beijing, China. The fungus was isolated from symptomatic leaves, and its pathogenicity was confirmed. Based on the morphological characteristics and molecular analysis, the pathogen was identified as Myrothecium roridum Tode ex Fr. This is the first report of M. roridum causing leaf spot on A. andraeanum in China. “
“A leaf spot and leaf blight disease was observed on Aloe vera plants as small, circular to oval dark brown necrotic sunken spots on leaves. Infected tissues collected from different sites in diseased fields were cultured on potato carrot agar medium, and the pathogen was identified as Alternaria alternata on the basis of morphological and cultural characteristics. The conidiophores were branched, straight, golden brown, smooth-walled, measuring up to μm long by 3 μm wide with one conidial scar.

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