The map of total caesium activities in soils of the study area was drawn by performing ordinary kriging on the MEXT soil database (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 7). A pure nugget (sill = 1.07 × 109Bq2 kg−2) and a Gaussian model (anisotropy = 357°, major range = 69,100 m, minor range = 65,000 m and partial sill = 1.76 × 109 Bq2 kg−2) were nested into the experimental variogram (Fig. S1). This high nugget value may be influenced by
the limited spacing between MEXT sampling locations (ca. 200 m) that did not allow to assess the very close-range spatial dependence of the data, and by the impact of vegetation cover variations on initial fallout interception. Nevertheless, the resulting initial soil contamination AT13387 nmr map was considered to be relevant, as the mean error was close to zero (−1.19 Bq kg−1) and the ratio of the mean squared error to the kriging variance remained close to unity (0.99). Supplementary Fig. I. Semivariogram of total radiocaesium activities (dots) and theoretical model fits (solid lines). Eight months after the accident, main anthropogenic gamma-emitting radionuclides detected in river sediment across the area were 134Cs, 137Cs and 110mAg. Trace levels in 110mAg (t1/2 = 250 d) were previously measured in soils collected near the power plants ( Tagami et al., 2011 and Shozugawa et al., 2012) as well
as in selleck kinase inhibitor zooplankton collected off Japan in June 2011 ( Buesseler et al., 2012), but a set of systematic 110mAg measurements conducted at the scale of entire catchments had not been provided so far. This anthropogenic radioisotope is a fission product derived from 235U, 238U or 239Pu ( JAEA, 2010). It is considered to have a moderate radiotoxicity as it was shown to accumulate in certain tissues such as in liver and brain of sheep and pig ( Oughton, 1989 and Handl et al., 2000). This radioisotope was observed shortly after Chernobyl
accident but, in this latter context, during it was rather considered as an activation product generated by corrosion of silver coating of primary circuit components and by erosion of fuel rod coatings containing cadmium ( Jones et al., 1986). The presence of 125Sb (t1/2 = 2.7 y), which is also a fission product, was also detected in most samples (1–585 Bq kg−1; data not shown). All other short-lived isotopes (e.g., 131I [t1/2 = 8d], 136Cs [t1/2 = 13 d], 129mTe [t1/2 = 34 d]) that were found shortly after the accident in the environment were not detected anymore in the collected sediment samples ( Shozugawa et al., 2012). By November 2011, 134+137Cs activities measured in river sediment ranged between 500 and 1,245,000 Bq kg−1, sometimes far exceeding (by a factor 2–20) the activity associated with the initial deposits on nearby soils ( Fig. 2). This result confirms the concentration of radionuclides in fine river sediments because of their strong particle-reactive behaviour ( Tamura, 1964, Whitehead, 1978 and Motha et al., 2002).