Thus, the higher the surfactant percentage for the same lipid lev

Thus, the higher the surfactant percentage for the same lipid level, the higher the solubility in the ME. Considering TMX water solubility (≈0.4μg/mL) [28–30], these systems represent an improvement of around 150000 fold for vehicle 4, which exhibited a solubility of 60mg/g. 3.5. Physicochemical Characterization A significant lowering effect of approximately 1.5 points in pH values was observed when TMX was added. Conductivity

values obtained for the selected compositions correspond to those of o/w MEs [31, 32]. The low this website viscosity values are representative for MEs (Table 2). The differences observed for viscosity values might be the result of the interaction between ME droplets Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical in oil/water systems. It is expected that PS 80 Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical hydrophilic chains are strongly hydrated and connected with hydrogen bonds; this allows the interaction between the droplets, thus raising the viscosity values [33]. It is also to remark that the higher PC concentrations in the compositions, the higher viscosity was observed. Table

2 Physicochemical parameters measured in Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the selected microemulsions. Data are expressed as mean ± SD (n = 3). All selected formulations were nonbirefringent when analyzed with the polarized microscope, confirming their isotropy. It was concluded that MEs were not electrically charged (z potential equal to 0mV) due to their ionic characteristics and dipolar attributes. Since ME formation process is generally a random stirring process; the resulting Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical delivery system may result in a polydispersed system in which different droplet sizes can coexist. This information is extremely valuable in practice because both stability and viscosity depend on the drop size distribution [34]. The later in vivo or in vitro behavior depends on this property as well [35]. Results shown in Table 3 are in the typical range for a ME composition with a narrow range of polydispersion as the polydispersity index (PDI) shown [7]. TEM images also confirmed this size distribution (Figure 7) for blank ME N° 2. The Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical addition of TMX did not significantly

change droplet size of formulations comparing with empty ones, even at the highest TMX (20mM). This is an interesting advantage for the and selected compositions, because the loading of a lipophilic active compound could result in an increase in the droplet size and, eventually, could compromise the system physical stability [35]. Figure 7 TEM photograph of Formulation 2 (×100000; dilution 1:40). Table 3 Mean droplet size for selected empty and loaded microemulsions. PdI: polydispersity index. A short stability testing was carried out with selected formulations. For this purpose, TMX 10mM was loaded in order to achieve a final concentration of approximately 5.10–4M in the culture media as the higher dose, according to literature data [36].

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