To realize these potential gains requires participatory research that directly involves stakeholders from the beginning and addresses multiples challenges in the different stages of production, processing and marketing. Acknowledgments
The Amazon Initiative, INIA-Spain, EMBRAPA, USAID and CIRAD provided funding for this study. Furthermore MvZ thanks the CGIAR Research Program on Idasanutlin Forests, Trees and Agroforestry for financial support. We are grateful to CATIE and INIA-Peru for providing access to the peach palm materials from their genebank collections. We further thank Andreas Ebert, Carlos Astorga, William Solano, Sixto Imán, Manuel Sigueñas and Jesus Salcedo for their support with fruit collection and logistics. Lucia Chávez, Andres Giraldo and Andres Escobar conducted nutritional analyses, and Mauricio Quintero, David Quintero and Alexander Pereira provided valuable support in the development of the “bajachonta tool”. We are grateful to all the farmers from the Colombian Pacific coast who gave us insight into their peach palm production systems. Special thanks also to Xavier Scheldeman for Selleck LDK378 his valuable ideas and comments and to Nathan Russell for editing the manuscript. Open AccessThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
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