Ultrasound agreed with panorex x-rays in 6 (86%) of 7 cases One

Ultrasound agreed with panorex x-rays in 6 (86%) of 7 cases. One case where US disagreed with x-rays was evaluated by dentistry consultants; and incision and drainage were performed, confirming the presence of an abscess. An x-ray diagnosis of periapical abscess was made in 12 (63%) of 19 see more patients. Ultrasound agreed with panorex x-ray in 10 (83%) of 12 cases. In 1 of the 2 cases where US disagreed with panorex x-rays, x-ray abnormalities were reported on the nonsymptomatic side. The other

patient was given antibiotics and recommended outpatient follow-up. Follow-up information was not available to further confirm the presence of an abscess. Assuming that the patient who was lost to follow-up had dental abscess, the sensitivity and specificity of US in diagnosing a dental abscess were 92% and 100%, respectively.\n\nConclusions: Bedside US is nonionizing, is readily available, and can provide an alternative to panorex x-rays in the evaluation of a dental abscess in ED. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Noninvasive imaging of the coronary arteries using multicletector CT (MDCT) represents one of the most promising diagnostic imaging advances in contemporary cardiology. GSK1120212 in vivo This challenging application has driven

a rapid and impressive advancement in CT technology over the past 10 years; leading to increased spatial and temporal resolution, decreased scan times and substantial reductions in radiation dose. Recent technological improvements have not only improved the status of CT coronary angiography but have also enabled new functional myocardial applications that are gaining a foothold in clinical practice as adjuncts or replacements for conventional coronary angiographic studies. Wide-detector CT designs along with prospective ECG-triggered protocols have opened the possibility of performing multiple complementary myocardial

measurements during a coronary CT exam with acceptable radiation find more and contrast exposure. In this Review, we discuss recent technical developments in cardiac MDCT and outline newly enabled noncoronary cardiac applications including viability assessment, myocardial perfusion and molecular imaging.”
“Microarray techniques have revolutionised genomic research by making it possible to monitor the expression of thousands of genes in parallel. The Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) method is an efficient clustering approach devised for microarray data analysis. However, microarray data contains noise, which would affect clustering results. In this paper, we propose to combine the FCM method with the Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) for clustering microarray data to reduce the effect of the noise. The results suggest the clustering structures of denoised microarray data are more reasonable and genes have tighter association with their clusters than those using FCM only.

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