In stand-alone mode, COSMO-CLM receives SST from ERA-Interim re-a

In stand-alone mode, COSMO-CLM receives SST from ERA-Interim re-analysis data, whereas in coupled mode, it is forced by SST from the NEMO model over the North and Baltic Seas (over other sea areas, COSMO-CLM receives the ERA-Interim SST). Figure 6 shows the differences between SST of the coupled run and of ERA-Interim as used in the uncoupled run. These differences are given over the North and Baltic Seas only because over other seas and oceans, both experiments use the same ERA-Interim SST and thus the difference is zero. As can be seen, the SST

values produced by NEMO are lower than those from ERA-Interim data; the differences in the annual average over most parts of the North and Baltic Seas are between −0.2 and −0.6 K. the most pronounced differences occur in summer with NEMO SSTs up to about −1 K colder in the far north of the Gulf of Bothnia. Winter and autumn show weaker differences. INCB024360 manufacturer This result of SSTs from the coupled model is in good agreement with the results reported by Dieterich et al. (2013). In that work, the authors compared SSTs from their coupled RCA4 and NEMO models with a satellite-derived record (Loewe, 1996 and Høyer and She, 2011). They also found that the SSTs from their coupled model were low compared with observations, especially in summer. Looking at Figures 5

and 6, one sees that the 2-m air temperature and SST from the coupled experiment are both lower than those of the uncoupled experiment. Furthermore, SB431542 molecular weight the seasonal differences in SST follow those in 2-m temperature: the large difference

in SST corresponds to the large difference in 2-m temperature and vice versa. That implies a link between the SST of the North and Baltic Seas and the 2-m temperature as well as the impact of these marginal seas on the European climate. The low 2-m temperatures in the coupled experiment lead to a shallower mixedlayer depth; as a result, the heat capacity of the ocean’s Rolziracetam upper layer falls and the SSTs remain lower than the ERA-Interim data. As a feedback, reduced heat loss from the ocean to the atmosphere results in lower air temperatures. We classified the main wind direction over the 10-year period from 1985 to 1994 for both coupled and uncoupled experiments. The results show that the two model systems agree well on the average wind classification; therefore, only the wind rose from the coupled experiment is shown here. On Figure 7, the lines illustrate the direction where the wind comes from, the circles show the frequency of wind direction, and the colours show the wind speed corresponding to each direction and each frequency. The dominant wind direction over the 10 years is north-west with the highest frequency of about 22%; winds blowing directly from the north and west also occur for more than 10% of the time. South-westerly winds blow > 10% of the time but have a relatively low speed. In 50% of the cases, south-west winds occur at speeds < 5 m s−1 and in most cases < 10 m s−1.

, 2005) One possibility we have proposed (Taylor and Henson, in

, 2005). One possibility we have proposed (Taylor and Henson, in press; also raised in the Selleck SCH772984 Introduction above) is that conceptual primes subliminally reactivate semantically related information that had been spontaneously generated at Study, thereby increasing the probability of retrieval of “internal” source (Johnson et al., 1993). Such reactivation of internal source information could explain why the effect of conceptual primes is restricted to studied items (Hits), contrary to fluency-attribution

accounts that have been used to explain the increase in K responses (Hits and False Alarms) following repetition primes. Further support for this hypothesis awaits future study. It should be noted that a recollection-based interpretation of the parietal fROI results is neither selleckchem necessary nor sufficient. It is not necessary because there may be another interpretation, other than recollection per se, for the increase in parietal BOLD signal (e.g., attention to internally- vs externally-generated information; Cabeza et al., 2008). This could be tested by use of other memory judgments, such as objective measures of internal versus external source information. The recollection hypothesis is not sufficient either because

other behavioral findings in our previous studies remain to be explained. For example, this hypothesis does not explain why we have been unable to replicate the effect of conceptual primes on R judgments when using only conceptual primes throughout the experiment (i.e., without concurrent blocks of repetition primes; Taylor ADAMTS5 and Henson, in press).

6 Rather, this latter finding would seem easier to explain in terms of the “artifact” hypothesis raised in the Introduction: that participants need to experience two different types of fluency, in conjunction with being required to give mutually-exclusive R/K judgments, in order for R judgments to be affected. The latter could be tested simply by repeating the above experiments, complete with fMRI, but using independent ratings of remembering and knowing ( Higham and Vokey, 2004; Brown and Bodner, 2011; Kurilla and Westerman, 2008). Importantly, however, the recollection hypothesis is clearly productive, in terms of predictions for future experiments. One test, for example, would be to manipulate the study task: Only when that task is “deep” enough to engender semantic elaboration (as likely for the “interestingness” task used here), should the effect of conceptual primes on R judgments occur (i.e., no effect should be found when the Study task focuses on non-semantic features such as phonology/orthographics).

, 2012) Of the 71 compounds or classes encountered in this study

, 2012). Of the 71 compounds or classes encountered in this study, along with TPH and total PAH, the primary four classes of compounds noted above yielded the highest concentrations. We chose to focus on this set of compounds because we wanted to define broad-scale, robust geographic distribution patterns. Using compounds with higher concentrations allowed us to examine any subtle geographic shifts in that distribution which might have occurred. Such would not have been possible using compounds occurring in very low concentrations. We believe that the distribution

of these classes Selleckchem Olaparib of compounds is indicative of other classes as well. The objectives of this study were to define the distribution and abundance patterns of (1) TPH in the northern GOM, within the limits of our sampling regime; (2) PAH; (3) C1-benzo(a)anthracenes/chrysenes; (4 and 5) C2- and C-4 phenanthrenes/anthracenes; and (6) C3-naphthalenes. RO4929097 The other eight compounds mentioned above are also presented for comparative purposes. The six major classes of compounds were assessed in the following media: (a) seawater; (b) sediment; (c) marine fauna and flora; and (d) some commercial species. The patterns of concentrations were considered in the context of known general meso- and macro-scale

currents in the region. Field samples were collected from coastal waters between the Florida Keys and Galveston, Texas between May and November 2010 (Fig. 1). Sample codes and GIS locations of samples are shown in Table 1. Samples were taken in places and at times defined independently by individual investigators, and data were pooled and later analyzed. No attempt has been made to interpret the results in a temporal context,

only a spatial one. In addition, samples were pooled from several different investigators who were sampling from different regions at different times over a period of several months. The samples were designed to describe potentially affected regions and determine the distribution and abundance of the compounds under spill circumstances. Control samples were not collected because this was not designed a priori Reverse transcriptase as an experimental study; i.e., it was not the purpose of this descriptive study to compare affected sites with control sites. All samples were sealed in plastic ziploc bags or amber jars, cooled to <4 °C, and transferred to refrigerators or freezers for storage at temperatures of <4 °C or −20 °C, respectively, until processed. Replicate samples were often collected. Holding times recommended by processing laboratories for individual media were respected. Samples were shipped in sealed coolers overnight to the laboratories for processing. Standard Chain of Custody procedures were followed regarding delivery of samples to the analytical labs. Processing of samples was similar between the laboratories of the investigators, although details varied in some cases.

, 2001, Touyz et al , 2002 and Lassègue and Griendling, 2010) An

, 2001, Touyz et al., 2002 and Lassègue and Griendling, 2010). Angiotensin II may also stimulate ROS generation by vascular adventitial cells (Pagano et al., 1997), whereas no evidence for excess arsenite-induced adventitial DHE fluorescence was apparent in the present study. Previous reports have provided evidence that chronic in vivo exposure to inorganic arsenic can impair subsequent ex vivo endothelium-dependent relaxations to ACh in the Baf-A1 purchase rabbit and the rat aorta ( Pi et al., 2003 and Verma et al., 2009). While these studies hypothesized that impaired

NO-mediated relaxations reflected overproduction of O2•−, the measurements made were indirect (plasma [H2O2], nitrite and cGMP levels), and assessment of ROS production in the vessel wall was not attempted. Lee et al. (2003) also observed apparent reductions in endothelium-dependent relaxations to ACh in rat aortic rings exposed to 50 μM arsenite for 14 h, but attributed these to impaired cGMP-mediated mechanisms of relaxation and impaired conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline by eNOS, rather than increased ROS production. In view of these conflicting observations, we evaluated the effects of more prolonged 90 min incubation with arsenite

on both EDHF-type and NO-mediated relaxation evoked by ACh in RIA rings. Notably, learn more this protocol reduced the contractile response to 1 μM PE by ∼30%, both in the presence or absence of L-NAME/indomethacin,

without greatly affecting the residual level of tone observed at the point of maximal ACh-induced relaxation, so that standard analysis led to an apparent decrease in Rmax, calculated on a % basis relative to the initial level of pre-relaxation tone. However, pEC50 values for the corresponding concentration–relaxation curves were not PIK3C2G affected by arsenite, and were essentially unchanged compared to those obtained after exposure to 100 μM arsenite for 30 min. We observed a similar phenomenon in experiments where direct smooth muscle relaxation was elicited with MAHMA NONOate after constriction by 1 μM PE and arsenite again reduced Rmax but not pEC50 values. By contrast, when tone was induced by 0.1 μM PE, to match the depressed constriction observed with 1 μM PE in the presence of arsenite, the reversal of tone by MAHMA NONOate was essentially complete. Taken together, such observations suggest that apparent reductions in Rmax in the presence of arsenic primarily reflect a generalized impairment of smooth muscle function, rather than specific effects against EDHF-type and NO-mediated relaxations. The present study has identified complex effects of short-term exposure to inorganic arsenic on EDHF-type and NO-mediated arterial relaxations.

Second, our study is relatively small [though larger than previou

Second, our study is relatively small [though larger than previous

experimental studies of volition in GTS (Moretto et al., 2011)]. Further, some patients had to be excluded from the crucial correlation analysis, because Selleck Dabrafenib some measures were unavailable. Future studies with a larger sample would be better placed to investigate whether comorbid OCD and depression influence the experience of volition. Larger studies might also fruitfully use factor analysis methods. We have shown how a range of dependent measures is associated with the experience of volition. Factor analysis may help to reveal whether these can be reduced to a smaller number of factors, each reflecting the contribution of a specific neural

substrate. This research work was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: MU169/2-1) and the European Science Foundation. PH was additionally supported by an ESRC Professorial Fellowship, an ESF-ECRP project grant, and by ERC Advanced Grant HUMVOL. “
“After several days of involuntary immobility patients show impaired postural control and increased risk of falling (Visschedijk, Achterberg, van Balen, & Hertogh, 2010). It is therefore Epigenetics inhibitor important to take steps to counteract loss of postural control during the period of immobility. Motor imagery (MI) of balance tasks has been shown to improve static postural control in elderly people (Hamel & Lajoie, 2005). Similarly, action observation (AO) was shown to improve performance in a sitting-to-standing-to-sitting task and in walking (Tia et al., 2010). These findings provide evidence that both MI and AO can improve postural control, but the neural sites responsible for this improvement have not so far been identified. It is commonly

agreed that the positive effects of MI and AO on physical task performance are probably explained by activation of overlapping brain areas during motor execution and MI as well as during motor execution and AO (Grezes et al., 2003, Jeannerod, 1995, Jeannerod, 2001 and Olsson et al., 2008). Jeannerod postulated the well accepted hypothesis that “the motor system is part O-methylated flavonoid of a simulation network that is activated under a variety of conditions in relation to action, either self-intended or observed from other individuals” (Jeannerod, 2001). This simulation network may differently be activated by different covert actions such as MI or AO although Jeannerod assumed a core network that pertains to all stimulation states (Jeannerod, 2001). Previous studies investigating actual execution of postural tasks with neurophysiological (Beck et al., 2007, Schubert et al., 2008, Taube et al., 2007 and Taube et al., 2006) and imaging methods (Ouchi et al., 1999, Taubert et al., 2010, Taubert et al., 2011a and Taubert et al.

Thus, the change in membrane fluidity was observed at a concentra

Thus, the change in membrane fluidity was observed at a concentration 10 times greater than that for hemolysis. This result could be explained by the fact that the spin probes are sparsely distributed in the membrane and, therefore, the spin probe spectroscopy only detects changes in fluidity when a widespread change occurs in the membrane. The molar ratio between spin probe and lipid present in the membranes used for the EPR

measurements was 1:200. Thus, to detect changes in membrane fluidity, the environment of most spin labels would have to be changed. This result also suggests that a highly localized change in the erythrocyte membrane is sufficient to provoke hemolysis. In cell cytotoxicity, the IC50 of nerolidol was 6 × 1011 molecules/fibroblast and the concentration Sirolimus that alters fibroblast membrane fluidity was approximately 10 times lower (6.3 × 1010 terpenes/cell). These calculations indicate that the concentrations that cause a general change in fibroblast membrane fluidity are smaller than those that inhibit the growth of fibroblasts. This result is indicative of the low toxicity of terpenes in cultured fibroblasts and suggests that, unlike in red blood cells, change in fibroblast membrane fluidity occurs without disruption of the membrane. In conclusion, we examined the hemolytic potential and cytotoxicity in fibroblasts treated with terpenes and showed that these reagents

cause cellular injury in a concentration-dependent manner. Nerolidol, α-terpineol and DL-menthol were the most hemolytic and limonene and 1,8-cineole were the least hemolytic, whereas in the cytotoxicity assay, nerolidol and α-terpineol were the most cytotoxic and 1,8-cineole

was the least cytotoxic; however, the correlation coefficient between the two tests was low (R = 0.61). This study demonstrated that monoterpenes are powerful membrane fluidizers in erythrocyte and fibroblast cells, and the observed effects were not significantly Benzatropine different among them, suggesting that they possess the same potency in enhancing dermal permeation. However, less polar monoterpenes, such as limonene and cineole, showed low membrane aggressiveness and cytotoxicity. The sesquiterpene produced the greatest increase in membrane fluidity, but also a greater irritation potential. Although the mechanisms of cytotoxicity were not investigated, we suggest that terpenes could trigger various mechanisms, including interactions with the cellular membrane, which most likely occur during terpene-induced hemolysis. The antiproliferative effects of monoterpenes have been previously demonstrated through the modulation of gene expression associated with apoptosis ( Bardon et al., 1998, Bardon et al., 2002, Yang and Ping Dou, 2010 and Wu et al., 2012). Given that some monoterpenes show activity against Leishmania infantum promastigotes ( Morales et al., 2009) and the sesquiterpene nerolidol inhibits the growth of several species of Leishmania promastigotes and amostigotas ( Arruda et al.

[5], [6] and [7] It is appealing to consider why cells release ve

[5], [6] and [7] It is appealing to consider why cells release vesicles. In complex multicellular organisms or within (mixed) populations of bacteria, vesicles offer an elegant solution to exchange biomolecules such as proteins, second messengers, and genetic information[3] and [4] or to get rid of redundant and/or dangerous intracellular or membrane-associated compounds.[8] and [9] Once the biomolecules have been packaged within vesicles they will be less susceptible to degradation.

Packaging also offers the opportunity to store cargo in a highly efficient manner, and vesicles can be equipped with cell type-specific adhesion receptors so that the cargo will be delivered only at dedicated target cells. In the case of clearance of vesicles, concentrating harmful or redundant components into vesicles, such as chemotherapeutic drugs or (parts of) microorganisms, reduces the risk of “environmental contamination”[10] and [11] Talazoparib mw and at the same time facilitates cellular survival and may protect the host, e.g. by supporting defense processes such as coagulation and inflammation.[3], [4] and [12] Phospholipid bilayer-enclosed vesicles from eukaryotic cells will be collectively called extracellular vesicles (EVs) in this review when appropriate. Recent review HSP inhibitor reports that at least four different types of EVs have been defined based on phenotype and physical characteristics.3 These types

of vesicles are microvesicles (MVs), exosomes, membrane particles and apoptotic vesicles, but it is unclear whether each of these types indeed represents distinct types of vesicles.3 Despite the lack of consensus on classification of EVs, three common types, MVs, exosomes, and apoptotic vesicles, are distinguished

unanimously. MVs and exosomes have attracted much attention in the past years because the evidence is increasing, although mainly from in vitro studies, that both types of vesicles can contribute not only to intercellular communication, but also to processes such as Flavopiridol (Alvocidib) coagulation, angiogenesis, cell survival, waste management, modulation of the immune response, and inflammation.[3] and [4] EVs are widely distributed, and they have been found in all human body fluids that have been investigated thus far in both physiological and pathological conditions, including blood, urine, saliva, mother milk, and cerebrospinal and synovial fluid.[3] and [4] The numbers, cellular origin, composition and functional properties of EVs are associated with the type of body fluid, diseases and disease states such as cancer,[13], [14] and [15] cardiovascular disease,[16] and [17] and inflammation.[18] and [19] Despite extensive research on EVs, there are several major challenges to be faced, including the proper detection of EVs. Most information on diameter and size distribution of EVs comes from measurements by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).

Optymalnym postępowaniem w czasie ciąży i karmienia piersią byłob

Optymalnym postępowaniem w czasie ciąży i karmienia piersią byłoby indywidualne dobieranie dawki

witaminy D, tak aby utrzymać poziom 25-OHD >30 ng/ml. Istnieją bowiem doniesienia o konieczności stosowania wyższych dawek witaminy D >1000 IU/d [3, 4. 5, 13, 14]. W ciężkich niedoborach witaminy D (stężenie 25(OH)D w surowicy <10 ng/ml) zalecane jest stosowanie dawek leczniczych przez 3 miesiące: – <1 this website m.ż. – 1000 IU/dobę; W trakcie leczenia konieczne jest monitorowanie poziomów 25(OH)D, fosfatazy alkalicznej, wapnia w surowicy oraz wydalania wapnia z moczem co 1–3 miesiące. Podsumowanie zaleceń przedstawiono w załączonym algorytmie. Zespół rekomendujący zwraca uwagę, że nie ma żadnych podstaw do zmiany zalecanego dawkowania witaminy D jedynie na podstawie wielkości ciemienia, BYL719 chemical structure opóźnionego ząbkowania, opóźnionego pojawiania się jąder kostnienia głowy kości udowej, rozmiękania potylicy czy też nadmiernego pocenia się dziecka! W przypadku wątpliwości co do stanu zaopatrzenia w witaminę D, należy wykonać oznaczenia podstawowych parametrów gospodarki wapniowo-fosforanowej oraz poziomu witaminy D (25-OHD). Podejrzewając krzywicę należy dodatkowo wykonać RTG nadgarstka. Stwierdzenie

u niemowlęcia (otrzymującego witaminę D w zalecanej dawce) rozmiękania potylicy nie upoważnia HSP90 do rozpoznania niedoboru witaminy D. Rozmiękanie potylicy może wskazywać na nadmiar

fosforanów, a zdarza się również u zupełnie zdrowych, szybko rosnących niemowląt. “
“a) środki ostrożności: – wykonując próbę potową, należy bezwzględnie używać bezpudrowych rękawiczek, a) środki ostrożności: – nie dotykać gołymi palcami zważonych pojemników plastikowych, parafilmu oraz bibuły do zbierania potu (szczególnie jej wewnętrznej strony, która była przyłożona do skóry pacjenta), a) ilość zebranego potu: – stosowną ilość potu, odzwierciedlającą skuteczne pocenie (wiarygodność stężenia chlorków w pocie), należy wyliczyć na podstawie stopnia sekrecji (minimalna jego wartość 1 g/m2/min). Zwyczajowo minimalna ilość potu wynosi 75 mg, zalecana ≥100 mg,6 (tab. 1 – część pierwsza oraz druga) 1. Minimalny wiek noworodka, w którym można wykonać próbę potową. Jakie warunki muszą zostać spełnione? Przedstawione wyżej informacje mogą wymagać uaktualnienia wraz z pojawianiem się nowych danych dotyczących wykonania klasycznej próby potowej. Niewątpliwie pojawi się także problem kontroli wewnątrz- i zewnątrzlaboratoryjnej, będący podstawą uznania wiarygodności wyników. Autorzy pracy nie zgłaszają konfliktu interesów. “
“Patronat: 1.

The cell suspension sampled in the microtubule was mixed with 120

The cell suspension sampled in the microtubule was mixed with 120 μL low

melting agarose Entinostat solubility dmso (37 °C). Next, 50 μL of the erythrocyte-agarose suspension was placed on a fully frosted slide pre-coated with standard agarose (1.5%) and covered with a coverslip. The slides were then placed on ice for 15 min to allow complete agarose polymerization and afterwards in a chilled lysing solution (NaCl 2.5 M; EDTA 100 mM; Tris 10 mM; N-laurolyl-sarcosine 1%; Triton-X 1%; DMSO 10%; pH = 10). Then the slides were placed on a horizontal gel electrophoresis platform and covered with a chilled alkaline solution consisting of 300 mM NaOH and 1 mM Na2EDTA (pH = 13); they were left in the dark at 4 °C for 30 min, and then the DNA was electrophoresed at 4 °C in the dark for 30 min at 25 V and approximately 350 mA. The slides were gently rinsed

twice with 400 mM Tris (pH = 7.5) to neutralize the alkali. Each slide was stained with 30 μL of 20 μg/mL ethidium bromide and covered with a coverslip. One hundred cells Veliparib manufacturer from each replicate were randomly chosen (50 from each duplicate slide), and analyzed under an optical fluorescence microscope (Axioskop-2, Carl Zeiss), with a 510–560 nm filter and a 590 nm barrier filter, with a magnification of 400×. For damage index calculation, cells were sorted into four classes, according to tail size. The index of damage (ID) is the sum of classes of the 100 cells analyzed per fish, and may vary from 0 (all cells undamaged – 0 × 100) to 400 (all cells highly damaged – 4 × 100). The damage index is based on the length of migration and on the amount of DNA in the tail, and it is considered a sensitive measurement of detectable DNA damage. Statistical analysis Lonafarnib solubility dmso was carried out with the MINITAB program, using the ANOVA parametric test and Tukey’s parametric linear correlation, with a significance level of 95%. To quantify the damage to the DNA, the following formula was used: ID(au)=N1+2N2+3N3+4N4S/100where ID = index of DNA damage, au = arbitrary unit, N1–N4 = nucleoids in levels 1, 2, 3 and 4, S = number of nucleoids analyzed, including

level 0. Treatments were carried out in groups of eight fish through intraperitoneal injection of extract of Microcystis spp at 6.90 μg kg−1 bw and 13.80 μg kg−1 bw for 72 h. 0.1 mL of peripheral blood was obtained from cardiac puncture and diluted in 2.0 ml of fetal bovine serum at room temperature of 23 °C. A smear of 15 μL of cell suspension was made immediately, 1 μL of Acridine Orange (3.0 μg L−1)/Ethidium Bromide (3.0 μg L−1), (1:1 v/v) stain was added and the slides were covered with a coverslip. Slides were analyzed with a fluorescence Axioskop-2 Zeiss microscope with 1000× magnification using a wavelength of 510–560 nm. Viable peripheral fish erythrocyte cells were identified by greenish nuclei with dark cytoplasm. Apoptotic erythrocyte cells were identified as fragmented greenish nuclei. Necrotic cells were identified as round cells with reddish nuclei.

A primary use of an RTT would be in research on the efficacy and

A primary use of an RTT would be in research on the efficacy and effectiveness of well-defined treatments that have an underlying theory explaining why they would be effective and for what classes of patients. For observational research, which entails

the description of interventions delivered by clinicians in ongoing clinical activities (eg, the previously mentioned PBE studies), the focus would be on the types of interventions and their frequency, timing, and sequence. A further focus on the nature or intensity of services across geographic divisions would enable “practice variations research,” a type of health services research practically unknown in rehabilitation. For experimental studies of rehabilitation treatments (randomized controlled trials and other trials), an RTT could be used in signaling pathway the

development of treatment protocols to enable the exact specification of the interventions that should be delivered with regard to the nature of treatment(s), dosages, timing, and so forth.106 An RTT would also be invaluable for validating fidelity to treatment protocols, quantifying the amount of treatment delivered, and selecting cases for efficacy analysis.7 and 107 Other potential research uses of an RTT lie in systematic reviews, especially meta-analyses, of intervention studies. When “similar” treatments reported in the literature have heterogeneous effect sizes, one way to obtain the homogeneity needed for mathematical synthesis is to create subsets of studies that differ from one another in terms of details of the treatments used. That is currently being done, to some degree, using SB-3CT ad hoc classifications.108, PF-01367338 mouse 109 and 110 A well-developed and validated taxonomy would allow an approach that has a better theoretical foundation. The insufficient reporting on intervention approaches that characterizes much of the rehabilitation and other complex interventions literature may be a

stumbling block, but we may see changes in that area.39 and 111 Selection of appropriate treatments for the deficits of actual patients might appear an implausible clinical application. However, the old saying that there is nothing so practical as a good theory may be correct: given a set of theories underlying a classification of treatments, the therapist in selecting a particular treatment also must select (and agree with) the theory that links the treatment to the needed patient/client changes.112 To the degree that the theory specifies circumstances under which the treatment will or will not work (including intact strengths of the patients and characteristics of their environment), the taxonomy assists in rational selection of treatments. In the absence of such an advanced stage of theory development, record keeping and documentation by rehabilitation clinicians might be the second major area of application for the RTT.