The urea reduction BMN 673 solubility dmso rate, Kt/V, and calcium-phosphorus product were also calculated. C-reactive protein was measured using the CardioPhase hsCRP reagent method (Dade Behring, Marburg, Germany). Other measurements were performed using standard clinical laboratory methods. The patients included were randomized into 2 treatment groups: a FO group, receiving 1.0 g of FO plus α-tocopherol (3.5 mg) twice a day, and the control mineral oil (MO) group, receiving 1.0 g of MO + 3.5 mg of α-tocopherol twice a day. The FO and placebo capsules were visually identical. The patients in both groups were instructed to take the
capsules for 120 days; adherence was assessed by counting the remaining capsules every 30 days. The laboratory data were collected at baseline, 60, and 120 days after the beginning of therapy. The serum cholesterol and fractions and triglycerides
were measured at baseline and 120 days in the 84 patients who could fast for the sampling. The patients were considered to have inflammation if the serum CRP is 5.1 mg/L [32]. Those patients unable to tolerate intervention or who developed any of the exclusion criteria during the study were excluded. The patients were also analyzed according to intention to treat. The study was LGK-974 in vitro approved by the research ethics committee of the coordinating center (Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre). The sample size was calculated to obtain a power of 80%, α error of 5%, and 30% reduction of the CRP levels with the FO supplementation. The statistical analyses were performed using the SPSS software 16.0 version for Windows (Chicago, IL, USA). The Bupivacaine continuous variables are shown as the means ± SD. The comparisons of the continuous variables between the groups were performed using a mixed-model analysis and an analysis of variance. The
categorical variables were analyzed using the χ2 or Fisher exact tests. The asymmetric variables were logarithmically transformed and compared using the Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney U test. The correlations were calculated using Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficients. P < .05 was considered statistically significant. A total of 160 patients were randomized at a 1:1 ratio to receive FO (80 patients) or MO (80 patients) for 120 days. There were 15 exclusions after the randomization and before the study’s initiation. Another 31 exclusions occurred during the therapy period; thus, 114 patients completed the study. The timing and explanations for the excluded patients are shown in Fig. 1. There was no significant difference in the comparisons of the exclusion causes between the groups (P = .34). Among the analyzed individuals, there were 75 men (52%) and 116 whites (80%). The mean age of the subjects was 59.