Moreover, the potential inflammasome biomarker candidates have to

Moreover, the potential inflammasome biomarker candidates have to be validated in a large number of patients for an extended period post-injury to further support

clinical relevance.”
“BACKGROUND: The majority of established techniques for monitoring real-time PCR amplification involve individual target-specific fluorogenic probes. For analysis of numerous different targets the synthesis of these probes contributes to the overall cost during assay development. Sequence-dependent universal detection techniques overcome this drawback but are prone to detection of unspecific amplification products. We developed the mediator probe PCR as a solution to these problems.\n\nMETHODS: A set of label-free sequence-specific primary probes (mediator probes), each comprising a target-specific region and a standardized mediator tag, is cleaved upon annealing to its target sequence by the polymerases’ 5′ nuclease activity. Release Selleck ON-01910 Adriamycin datasheet of a mediator

triggers signal generation by cleavage of a complementary fluorogenic reporter probe.\n\nRESULTS: Real-time PCR amplification of human papillomavirus 18 (HPV18), Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia colt, and Homo sapiens DNA dilution series showed exceptional linearity when detected either by novel mediator probes (r(2) = 0.991-0.999) or state-of-the-art hydrolysis probes (TaqMan probes) (r(2) = 0.975-0.993). For amplification of HPV18 DNA the limits of detection were 78.3 and 85.1 copies per 10-mu L reaction when

analyzed with the mediator probe and hydrolysis probe, respectively. Duplex amplification of HPV18 target DNA and internal standard had no effects on back calculation of target copy numbers when quantified with either the mediator probe PCR (r(2) = 0.998) or the hydrolysis probe PCR (r(2) = 0.988).\n\nCONCLUSIONS: The mediator DMXAA mouse probe PCR has equal performance to hydrolysis probe PCR and has reduced costs because of the use of universal fluorogenic reporters. (C) 2012 American Association for Clinical Chemistry”
“We developed a new technique to quantitatively analyze visual evaluation single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Short axis tomograms and color scales were computer scanned. The scales were divided into 25 parts; numbers of each hue pixel were scored 0-100%. Short-axis images were divided into eight equal partitions, numbers of hue pixels distributed in each partition were scored, and total scores were obtained. Each partition’s radio-isotope (RI) accumulation index was calculated as partition score/highest score. For method validation, scintigrams from each left ventricular phantom part were divided into eight partitions and filled with I-123-BMPP (10-100%). The error between theoretical and calculated concentrations was within 20% in the concentration range of >= 50%, suggesting a good correlation and indicating the method’s validity.

However, regulation of these changes is poorly understood We rep

However, regulation of these changes is poorly understood. We report discordance of changes in nascent transcript and total nuclear RNA abundance for the transcription factors STAT1 and IRF1, together with lack of effect on their RNA half-lives, in human THP-1 cells infected with M. tuberculosis and stimulated with IFN-g. The results indicate that negative postinitiation regulation of mRNA biogenesis limits the expression of these factors, which mediate host defense against M. tuberculosis through the cellular response to IFN-gamma. Consistent with

the results for STAT1 and IRF1, transcriptome analysis reveals downregulation of postinitiation mRNA biogenesis processes and pathways by infection, with and without IFN-gamma stimulation. Clinical Fer-1 molecular weight relevance for regulation of postinitiation mRNA biogenesis is demonstrated by studies of donor samples showing that postinitiation mRNA biogenesis pathways are repressed

in latent tuberculosis infection compared with cured disease and in active tuberculosis compared with ongoing treatment or with latent tuberculosis. For active disease and latent infection donors from two populations (London, U.K., and The Gambia), each analyzed using a different platform, PCI-32765 purchase pathway-related gene expression differences were highly correlated, demonstrating substantial specificity in the effect. Collectively, the molecular and bioinformatic analyses point toward downregulation of postinitiation mRNA

biogenesis pathways as a means by which M. tuberculosis infection limits expression of immunologically essential transcription factors. Thus, negative regulation of postinitiation mRNA biogenesis can constrain the macrophage response to infection and overall host defense against tuberculosis. The Journal of Immunology, 2013, 190: 2747-2755.”
“Background: Despite advances in surgical treatment options, failure rates of rotator cuff repair have continued to range from 20% to 90%. Hence, there is a need for new repair strategies that provide effective mechanical reinforcement of rotator cuff repair as well as stimulate and enhance the intrinsic healing potential of the patient. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the extent to which augmentation of acute repair of rotator cuff tendons with a newly designed poly-L-lactide repair device would improve functional and biomechanical outcomes in a canine model.\n\nMethods: Eight adult, male mongrel dogs (25 to 30 kg) underwent bilateral shoulder surgery. One shoulder underwent tendon release and repair only, and the other was subjected to release and repair followed by augmentation with the repair device. At twelve weeks, tendon retraction, cross-sectional area, stiffness, and ultimate load of the repair site were measured. Augmented repairs underwent histologic assessment of biocompatibility.

“During critical periods of development early in life, exc

“During critical periods of development early in life, excessive or scarce nutritional environments can disrupt the development of central feeding and metabolic neural RG-7112 circuitry, leading to obesity and metabolic disorders in adulthood. A better understanding of the genetic networks that control the development of feeding and

metabolic neural circuits, along with knowledge of how and where dietary signals disrupt this process, can serve as the basis for future therapies aimed at reversing the public health crisis that is now building as a result of the global obesity epidemic. This review of animal and human studies highlights recent insights into the molecular mechanisms that regulate the development of central feeding circuitries, the mechanisms by which gestational and early postnatal nutritional status affects this process, and approaches aimed at counteracting the deleterious effects of early over-and underfeeding.”
“Synaptic plasticity deficits are increasingly recognized as causing the memory impairments which define Alzheimer’s disease (AD). In AD mouse models, evidence of abnormal synaptic function is present before the onset of cognitive deficits, and presents as increased synaptic depression revealed only when synaptic homeostasis is challenged, such as with suppression of ryanodine receptor (RyR)-evoked calcium signaling. Otherwise, at early disease stages, the synaptic Selleckchem GSI-IX physiology phenotype appears normal. This suggests compensatory mechanisms are recruited to maintain a functionally normal net output of the hippocampal circuit.

A candidate calcium-regulated synaptic modulator is nitric oxide (NO), which acts presynaptically to boost vesicle release and glutamatergic transmission. Here we tested whether there is a feedforward cycle between the increased RyR calcium release seen in presymptomatic AD mice and aberrant NO signaling which augments synaptic plasticity. Using a combination of electrophysiological approaches, two-photon calcium imaging, and protein biochemistry in hippocampal tissue from presymptomatic 3xTg-AD and NonTg mice, we show that blocking NO synthesis results in markedly augmented synaptic depression mediated through presynaptic mechanisms in 3xTg-AD mice. Additionally, blocking NO reduces the augmented synaptically evoked dendritic calcium release mediated by enhanced RyR calcium release. This is accompanied by increased nNOS levels in the AD mice and is reversed upon normalization of RyR-evoked calcium release with chronic dantrolene treatment. Thus, recruitment of NO is serving a compensatory role to boost synaptic transmission and plasticity during early AD stages. However, NO’s dual role in neuroprotection and neurodegeneration may convert to maladaptive functions as the disease progresses.

Analysis by NMR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of beta-keto

Analysis by NMR spectroscopy confirmed the formation of beta-keto alcohol units, but also evidenced that the latter were also partly dehydrated into conjugated ketones via a crotonization reaction (from 20 to 33% depending on the structure of the initial monomers).”
“Purpose Disproportionality analysis is an important tool for interpreting spontaneous adverse event reports in pharmacovigilance. There exist a variety of disproportionality measures (DPMs) for use in safety signaling; however, it is not always clear which method is best suited for a particular need. A framework for comparing the various DPMs is necessary to fully understand the consequences

of quantitative signal detection implementation decisions. Here, the mathematical relationship between these measures is explored through a comparison of the underlying GW786034 supplier equations and a shrinkage approach is adopted to further clarify these relationships.\n\nMethods Many DPMs take the form of a ratio of the number of observed (O) cases and the number of expected (E) cases (i.e., O/E). Because O is unchanged by the method

selected, the method-specific E (E-DPM) is the fundamental difference between the values produced by these DPMs. Clarification of the relationship between these DPMs is pursued through the use of a shrinkage parameter (s).\n\nResults It is demonstrated that any arbitrary DPM, which can be defined as O/E-DPM, can also be expressed as a function of the reporting odds ratio

Raf inhibitor (ROR) and s. This common equation allows for a straightforward comparison of the varying methods and the ability to clearly characterize the approaches according to their relative signal detection performance check details irrespective of the specific dataset to which the methods are applied. A novel DPM, the independent reporting ratio (IRR), provides an example of how the described framework can improve our understanding of disproportionality analyses and lead to the development of new methods.\n\nConclusions Explicitly defining DPMs as RORs with applied shrinkage provides a convenient method for understanding their relative signal detection performance and insight into the relative contributions to DPM shrinkage. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.”
“There is no consensus in the literature as to the maximum delay for nerve repair following nerve injury. Our aim is to estimate the maximum delay at which a nerve can be successfully reconstructed. Eighteen patients (24 procedures) were operated at more than 12 months (12 to 36) post-injury. Mean age was 38 (17 to 74). There were 18 nerve transfers, four grafts and two secondary sutures for six target muscles. Evaluation of muscle power was scored and assessed against weights starting 12 months follow-up. Finally, two patients had contraction against 7 kg, two against 5 kg, six M4. Two were scored M3 and six were M2, thus 12 good results (67%).

380 +/- 14 kcal 6 hrs(-1); p = 0 02) No effect was noted for sub

380 +/- 14 kcal.6 hrs(-1); p = 0.02). No effect was noted for substrate utilization (p = 0.39). Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.0001; 1-16 mmHg), as well as heart rate (p = 0.01; 1-9 bpm) were higher for Meltdown (R). No sex x condition x time interactions were noted for any variable (p > 0.05).\n\nConclusion: Ingestion of

Meltdown (R) results in an increase in catecholamine secretion, lipolysis, and metabolic rate in young men and women, with a similar response for both sexes. Meltdown (R) may prove to be an effective intervention strategy for fat loss, assuming individuals are normotensive and their treatment is monitored by a qualified health care professional.”
“Cells within human skin are exposed to mechanical stretching that is considered a trigger stimulus for keratinocyte proliferation, while its effect on keratinocyte migration has been poorly investigate. In order to explore the effect of stretching on keratinocyte migration spontaneously immortalized human keratinocyte (HaCaT) monolayers seeded onto collagen I-coated silicon sheets were stimulated three times for 1 hour every 24 hours (total time = 72 hours) by mechanical stretching increasing substrate deformations (10%) applied both as static (0 Hz) and cyclic (0.17 Hz) uniaxial stretching. At the end of stimulations BEZ235 datasheet monolayer areas measured in both static and cyclic samples

appeared reduced and strongly oriented in a direction perpendicular to the stress direction compared to unstimulated ones. Moreover during the mechanical stimulation period HaCaT monolayers strongly increased the release in the medium of matrix metalloproteinase

9 (MMP-9), a proteolytic enzyme necessary for keratinocyte migration.”
“Irreversible change in resistivity occurs in Gd-5(SixGe1-x)(4) (with 0.41 < x < 0.575) each time the material is cycled through its first order transition temperature. This results in a progressive Fer-1 order increase in resistivity with no apparent recovery. Results showed that the resistivity does recover if the material is left for an extended period of time at room temperature. We postulate that the recovery time decreases with temperature, and a model has been developed here to explain the recovery in resistivity when the samples are held at elevated temperatures over a period of time, and this has been verified experimentally by holding a Gd5Si2.09Ge1.91 at 360 K. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3355355]“
“BACKGROUND: Lincomycin (LIN) is an antibiotic widely used in veterinary medicine to cure infections caused by Gram-positive pathogens. Although the toxicity of LIN is not serious, it will cause adverse effects in humans, such as pseudomembranous enteritis and bacterial resistance. In this study, for the preparation of a LIN derivative, a novel modification method was adopted. The LIN derivative modified at 2-position with a carboxylic group at the end of the spacer was synthesised and coupled to carrier proteins.

9% at 80 keV (C) 2011 American Association of Physicists in Medi

9% at 80 keV. (C) 2011 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [DOI: 10.1118/1.3603190]“
“Seventeen children with lobar or segmental pneumonia and ispilateral elevation of the diaphragm are described. These children did not differ significantly with respect to clinical and laboratory findings from their counterparts with pneumonia but without elevation of the hemidiaphragm. The elevation was transient and resolved by the time the repeat chest x-ray was taken six to eight weeks later.”
“Breast Salubrinal chemical structure magnetic resonance imagings (MRIs) including diffusion-weighted MRI

(DWI) of 110 breast cancers (26 with pathologically proven axillary node metastasis and 84 without metastasis) were retrospectively studied. Axillary nodes were detected as high-signal-intensity areas on DWI in 71 cancers (24 with metastasis and 47 without) and not detected in 39 cancers (2 with metastasis and 37

without). The ADC of metastatic nodes was significantly greater than that of the 3 Methyladenine benign ones (1.08 +/- 0.18×10(-3) mm(2)/s vs. 0.92 +/- 0.22×10(-3) inm(2)/s, P=.004). When detectability of axillary nodes on DWI and ADC over 1.05×10(-3) mm(2)/s was applied as a threshold, 53.8% sensitivity, 86.9% specificity, and 79.1% accuracy were provided. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“DNA barcoding of faeces or stomach contents is an emerging approach C59 for dietary analysis. We pyrosequenced mtDNA 16S markers amplified from faeces of captive little penguins (Eudyptula minor) to examine if recovered sequences reflect the proportions of species consumed. We also analysed wild little penguin faeces collected from 100 nests in southeast Australia. In the captive study, pilchards were the primary fish fed to the penguins and DNA sequences from pilchard were the most common sequences recovered. Sequences of three other fish fed in constant mass proportions (45:35:20) were all detected, but proportions of sequences (60:6:34) were considerably different than mass proportions in the diet. Correction factors based on

relative mtDNA density in the fish did not improve diet estimates. Consistency between replicate samples suggests that the observed bias resulted from differences in prey digestibility. Detection of DNA from fish consumed before the penguins were brought into captivity indicates that a DNA signal in faeces can persist for at least 4 days after ingestion. In the wild-collected faeces, 24 distinct fish and 1 squid were identified; anchovy, barracouta and pilchard accounted for over 80% of these sequences. Our results highlight that DNA sequences recovered in dietary barcoding studies can provide semi-quantitative information on diet composition, but these data should be given wide confidence intervals.

A total of 1668 incident hepatocellular carcinomas occurred durin

A total of 1668 incident hepatocellular carcinomas occurred during an average follow-up of 8.5 years. Model inputs included age, sex, health historyrelated variables; HBV or HCV infectionrelated variables; serum levels of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), and alfa-fetoprotein (AFP), as well as other variables of routine blood panels for liver function. Cox proportional hazards regression method was used to identify risk predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma. Akt molecular weight Receiver operating characteristic curves were used to assess discriminatory accuracy of the models.

Models were internally validated. All statistical tests were two-sided.\n\nAge, sex, health history, HBV and HCV status, and serum ALT, AST, AFP levels were statistically significant independent predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma risk (all P < .05). Lonafarnib datasheet Use of serum transaminases only in a model showed

a higher discrimination compared with HBV or HCV only (for transaminases, area under the curve [AUC] = 0.912, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.909 to 0.915; for HBV, AUC = 0.840, 95% CI = 0.833 to 0.848; and for HCV, AUC = 0.841, 95% CI = 0.834 to 0.847). Adding HBV and HCV data to the transaminase-only model improved the discrimination (AUC = 0.933, 95% CI = 0.929 to 0.949). Internal validation showed high discriminatory accuracy and calibration of these models.\n\nModels with transaminase data were best able to predict hepatocellular carcinoma risk even among subjects with unknown or HBV- or HCV-negative infection status.”
“Heart rhythm problems are common among patients who are hospitalized with acute heart failure (HF). Although it is often difficult to determine whether a tachyarrhythmia

is the major contributor to an acute HF decompensation or merely a consequence of the decompensation, both issues usually need to be addressed. There is also a subset of patients with HF who have a tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy (TIC), where the sole cause of the ventricular dysfunction is the heart rhythm problem. In most cases, the management of a tachyarrhythmia in a patient with acute HF is AZD6244 not significantly different than the management of a heart rhythm problem in any patient, but there are several special clinical scenarios and important considerations. These considerations include the time urgency for an intervention, the usual need to be more aggressive and definitive, the need to stabilize a patient to allow for a heart rhythm intervention, such as catheter ablation to be performed safely, and the limitations of antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with ventricular dysfunction. Catheter ablation is a highly effective treatment option for many patients with supraventricular or ventricular tachycardias who are hospitalized with HF.

Similar results in PD-1(-/-) mice were obtained Moreover,

Similar results in PD-1(-/-) mice were obtained. Moreover,

the PD-1 blockade/deficiency led to reduced parasitemia and tissue parasitism but increased mortality. These results suggest the participation of a PD-1 signaling pathway in the control of acute myocarditis induced by T. cruzi and provide additional insight into the regulatory mechanisms in the pathogenesis of Chagas’ disease.”
“Surface display of the active proteins on living cells has enormous potential in the degradation of numerous toxic compounds. Here, we report the codisplay of organophosphorus hydrolase (OPH) and enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) on the cell surface of Escherichia coli by use of the truncated ice nucleation protein (INPNC) and Lpp-OmpA fusion systems. learn more The surface localization of both INPNC-OPH and Lpp-OmpA-GFP JQ-EZ-05 was demonstrated by Western blot analysis,

immunofluorescence microscopy, and a protease accessibility experiment. Anchorage of GFP and OPH on the outer membrane neither inhibits cell growth nor affects cell viability, as shown by growth kinetics of cells and stability of resting cultures. The engineered E. coli can be applied in the form of a whole-cell biocatalyst and can be tracked by fluorescence during bioremediation. This strategy of codisplay should open a new dimension for the display of multiple functional moieties on the surface of a bacterial cell. Furthermore, a coculture comprised of the engineered E. coli and a natural p-nitrophenol (PNP) degrader, Ochrobactrum sp. strain LL-1, was assembled for complete mineralization of organophosphates (OPs) with a PNP substitution. The coculture degraded OPs as well as PNP

rapidly. Therefore, the coculture with autofluorescent LY2157299 molecular weight and mineralizing activities can potentially be applied for bioremediation of OP-contaminated sites.”
“Antigen (Ag) targeting is an efficient way to induce immune responses. Ag is usually coupled to an antibody (Ab) specific for a receptor expressed on dendritic cells (DCs), and then the Ag-anti-receptor is inoculated with an adjuvant. Here we report that targeting Ag to a receptor expressed on both B cells and DCs, the TLR orphan receptor CD180, in the absence of adjuvant rapidly induced IgG responses that were stronger than those induced by Ag in alum. Ag conjugated to anti-CD180 (Ag-alpha CD180) induced affinity maturation and Ab responses that were partially T cell independent, as Ag-specific IgGs were generated in CD40- and T cell-deficient mice. After preimmunization with Ag-alpha CD180 and boosting with soluble Ag, both WT and CD40 knockout (KO) mice rapidly produced Ag-specific IgG-forming cells, demonstrating that Ag-anti-CD180 induces immunological memory. The potent adjuvant effect of Ag-alpha CD180 required Ag to be coupled to anti-CD180 and the responsive B cells to express both CD180 and an Ag-specific B cell receptor.

Finally, experiments employing C3H10t1/2 mesenchymal stem cells s

Finally, experiments employing C3H10t1/2 mesenchymal stem cells seeded onto the hydrogel and incubated for 24 h indicate that the TSS1 hydrogel surface is noncytotoxic, supports cell adhesion, and allows cell migration.”
“Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) are the only output neurons of the retina, and their degeneration after damage to the optic nerve or in glaucoma is a well established system for studying apoptosis in the central nervous system. Frequently used procedures for assessing RGC number in retinal

flat mounts suffer from two problems: RGC densities are not uniform across retinal flat mounts, and density measures may therefore not reflect total number, and flat mounts do not allow efficient use of tissue. To overcome these problems we developed a stereological method for efficiently assessing RGC number

Selleck JPH203 in cryostat sections of the retina. We empirically demonstrate that only similar to 1:20 sections need be assessed to accurately estimate the total number of RGCs in the rat retina, providing ample tissue for additional studies in the same retina and saving considerably on more exhaustive sampling strategies. Using this method, we estimate that there are 86,282 +/- 4759 RGCs in the normal Brown Norway rat retina. These counts match well with estimates of axon counts in optic nerve. In a pilot study of experimental glaucoma, we determined a reduction of RGCs to 53,862 +/- 4272 (p < 0.05). The current technique should prove advantageous to assess neuroprotective strategies in these experimental models. (c) 2008 selleck products Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”

paper provides recommendations on experimental design for early-tier laboratory studies used in risk assessments to evaluate potential adverse impacts of arthropod-resistant genetically engineered (GE) plants on non-target arthropods (NTAs). While we rely heavily on the currently used proteins from Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) in this discussion, the concepts apply to other arthropod-active proteins. A risk may exist if the newly acquired trait of the GE plant has adverse effects on NTAs when they are exposed to the arthropod-active protein. Typically, the risk assessment follows a tiered approach that starts with laboratory studies under worst-case exposure ICG-001 mw conditions; such studies have a high ability to detect adverse effects on non-target species. Clear guidance on how such data are produced in laboratory studies assists the product developers and risk assessors. The studies should be reproducible and test clearly defined risk hypotheses. These properties contribute to the robustness of, and confidence in, environmental risk assessments for GE plants. Data from NTA studies, collected during the analysis phase of an environmental risk assessment, are critical to the outcome of the assessment and ultimately the decision taken by regulatory authorities on the release of a GE plant.

Conclusion: Availability is improving in some low-income regions

Conclusion: Availability is improving in some low-income regions where misoprostol could significantly reduce maternal deaths due to postpartum hemorrhage and unsafe abortion. (C) 2008 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: Although CXC chemokine receptor type 4 (CXCR4) is known to be expressed in various solid tumors and plays an integral role in cancer invasion and metastasis, expression of CXCR4 in human vulvar cancer has not yet been investigated. We examined distribution

and expression of this chemokine receptor in specimens of invasive and non-invasive human vulvar ML323 solubility dmso neoplasms to elucidate its clinical significance. Methods: Study patients were 38 consecutive patients (31 with primary vulvar cancers and 7 with intraepithelial neoplasms) treated at one of our hospitals. Sections of all specimens were evaluated for CXCR4 expression by means

of immunohistochemistry. Relations between CXCR4 expression and clinicopathologic features including prognosis were investigated. Results: None of the 7 vulvar intraepithelial lesions expressed CXCR4. Of the 31 invasive vulvar tumor samples examined, 19 (61%) stained positively for CXCR4; 15 (68%) of 22 squamous cell carcinomas and 2 (29%) of 7 Paget tumors were CXCR4 positive. The difference in expression between invasive cancers and intraepithelial selleck chemicals llc neoplasms was significant (P = 0.003). FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics) stage III-IV cancers, in comparison to FIGO stage I-II cancers, were more likely to be positive for CXCR4 (82% vs 50%, P selleck products = 0.08). In terms of disease-free survival, prognosis of cancers that expressed CXCR4 was poorer than that of CXCR4-negative cancers (P = 0.013), but in terms of disease-specific survival, prognosis did not differ significantly between CXCR4-positive and -negative cancers (P = 0.111). Conclusions: More than half of invasive squamous cell vulvar cancers can be expected to express CXCR4, and CXCR4 expression correlates with

poor disease prognosis.”
“Vascular reactivity (VR) is considered as an effective index to predict the risk of cardiovascular events. A cost-effective alternative technique used to evaluate VR called digital thermal monitoring (DTM) is based on the response of finger temperature to vessel occlusion and reperfusion. In this work, a simulation has been developed to investigate hand temperature in response to vessel occlusion and perfusion. The simulation consists of image-based mesh generation and finite element analysis of blood flow and heat transfer in tissues. In order to reconstruct a real geometric model of human hand, a computer programme including automatic image processing for sequential MR data and mesh generation based on the transfinite interpolation method is developed.